7) Shopping

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Harry and Remus headed strait to Madam Malkins where they both got new robes and some muggle clothes (well Harry willingly bought new clothes for himself and he forced Remus into accepting the fact that he was purchasing Remus an entire new wardrobe). 

Afterwards they went to the magical eye-correcting shop Where Harry received the process that would completely correct his eyesight. He also bought a pair of turquoise contacts and a pair of glasses (the lenses were just made of plain glass) that were enchanted with the ability to see through: appearance charms, invisibility cloaks, potions (e.g. Polyjuice potions) and they were also charmed to not break. His glasses had silver, square frames that made Harry look a lot older than he actually was. 

Then Harry and Remus went into Flourish and Blots where when they got inside Harry said "whatever books you want put them in the basket no questions asked Uncle Moony"

Remus just smiled and accepted the fact that he couldn't argue with him, Harry could be the most stubborn man in the world. Harry bought several books on the things that Sirius was teaching him, all the books that he would need if he hopefully passed his OWLs and he also bought some books to read for pleasure.  

After they finished shopping it was about 3:00pm so they headed to the leaky cauldron to have some food before they headed back to Surry.

"Who's guarding me next Uncle Remy?" Harry asked

"I believe it is Minerva" Remus replied

"Alright thanks Uncle Rem, and before you go, when is the next full moon, and where do you transform?" Harry inquired 

"The next full moon is on the 30th July and I transform in the shrieking shack, why?" Remus responded

"I just wanted to know when it was to give you some emotional support to help you through your male pms" Harry stated (somehow with a straight face).

Remus looked mock angry before he burst out laughing, he gave Harry one final hug before he disappeared underneath an invisibility cloak.  

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