21) The welcome feast

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The sorting passed and after food appeared on the golden platters and people started to load their plates. Harry, Neville and Ginny eagerly loaded their plates with sausages, chicken wings, mashed potatoes and salad. They ate as much as they could as they hadn't eaten on the plate. In between bites they were talking with Dean and Seamus about OWL results and what classes they were going to take. When the main meal was finished and dessert was being served, they all had their favourites- Harry had treacle tart and ice cream, Ginny had chocolate brownie and ice cream, Neville hade fruit crumble with custard, Seamus had apple pie with custard and Dean had Cheesecake with cream.

When everyone was stuffed Dumbledore stood up and the talking stopped. 

"Good evening everyone now that you are all fed and watered I have a few announcements," However he was interrupted by Harry discretely sending a message into the air in front of Dumbledore that said "fed and watered, are we horses headmaster?"

Everyone chuckled and let the Headmaster continue "Anyway, as I was saying we have two changes in staffing this year, firstly I would like to welcome back Professor Remus Lupin who will be..." However the Headmaster was cut off by the years 4-7 welcoming Remus with a standing ovation and lots of cheering. Remus just blushed causing Harry to laugh. 

"Yes, yes welcome back professor Lupin, now as I was saying we have a second staff change. For the first time since a student named Charlus Potter, the most famous head auror of all time, and assistant Professor has been appointed. They will be covering DADA lessons when professor Lupin is unable to, and they will be teaching a class for extra DADA  lessons to help you defend yourself against Lord Voldemort, his death eaters and any foul creature he may use. The thing with assistant professors is that they have all been related in some way, and it is extremely difficult to have enough talent to be chosen as an assistant professor (Throughout the Headmaster's speech Harry saw that Hermione had been sending him looks of hurt, extreme jealousy and some looks were questioning) so may I have a warm round of applause for our new assistant professor..... HARRY POTTER!" as Dumbledore came to the end of his speech the students in the great hall burst into applause however Hermione stood up and flounced out of the hall causing a few people to snicker. "

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