Chapter 40

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Liam's P.O.V.

I have been standing outside Louis friend's house for the past five minutes or so. The nerves had just kicked in. My palms were sweaty, my throat dry.

"You got this" I assure myself taking a step forward towards the door.

"Everything is going to be fine" I raised my hand to know on the door. It's now or never. Might as just well just do it rather than thinking about the never ending outcome.

I flinch in surprise when I see a toddler standing on the other other side of the door, hands on his hips. It was like he was waiting for me to walk through those doors.

That's not the only thing surprising me. The toddler is looking oddly familiar. Like wow. It's like I have seen him somewhere but where could that be?

"What's ywour nwame Mr?" he asked with a cute little glare.

"Liam. What's your name little one?" I asked crouching down to be at his eye level.


"That's a nice name" I smiled.

"Lwisten if ywou hwurt Ezra's Lou Lou, Ezra will pwunch ywou and hwurt ywou" I was about to answer back when laughter from behind the door stopped me.

"He's not going to hurt your Lou Lou Ezra" Louis said walking out from his hiding spot and standing next to Ezra


"Promise. Now go and play with your toys. Lou Lou will talk to Liam and then go and see your papa and the others. And then we can have dinner okay" The little one walked away as soon as Louis placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Hey" he said putting his arms around me.

"Hey" I pulled him in for a kiss. His hands threading into my hair, harshly grabbing onto the locks. My fingers squeezing his waist, pulling him in closer if that's possible.

"As much as I want another niece or nephew, I don't want to see or know that baby was made at the doorstep" We pulled away to look at the owner of the voice.

Louis cleared his throat and said "Gemma this is Liam. Liam that's my overbearing/ overprotective sister Gemma"

"It's really great meeting you" I put my hand forward for a handshake.

She squeezed the living daylights out of my hand which was clear indication that if I hurt him, I would have to deal with her.

"The man of the hour has finally arrived" A curly haired man walked towards us, Ezra trailing behind him.

Wait a damn fucking second? Why does he look familiar too?

"Hi. My name's Harry and I'm this crackhead's brother/best friend"


"This has got to stop Zaynie boy" I said barging into his room, Niall trailing behind. All ready to give a lecture to him. But seeing him sitting down there, a picture frame clutched close to his heart, eyes bloodshot, dried out tears on his cheeks washed away by the tears falling down.

"Baby" Niall rushed towards him, engulfing him in a warm hug. Loud broken sobs echoed in the room. My heart breaking seeing my best friend so helpless.

I gently took out the picture frame from his hand despite his weak protests. It was a picture of him and a curly haired guy, both smiling brightly at the camera, happiness etched on their faces.

"Is that him?" Niall asked.

Him clutching onto Niall's jacket and the more broken sobs that followed, answered our question more than his unspoken words.


Holy shit!


Uh oh🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️

Should I continue writing 😭🏃🏻‍♀️?

Should I continue writing 😭🏃🏻‍♀️?

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