Chapter 115

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✓ The Reeves ✓

♪ The Wedding ♪

Kieran's P.O.V

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like your life was transitioning into something new, something better? It reaches a point where you are so overwhelmed with all the emotions coursing through your veins that you don't know what or how to feel.

I'm having a situation like that precisely. I'm sweating. I'm panicking. My breath is getting hitched in my throat. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should put a tie or bowtie. Should I drink coffee or glass of water? Should I eat or stay hungry?

“I need help” I whimpered, falling onto the bed laying down on my stomach, screaming into the pillow.

“Is it a good time to come in?”

“Mommy” I asked getting up suddenly.

“Well if you want to call me that then sure” Harry chuckled as he walked closer and sat down beside me. “You want to talk about it”

“I want cuddles” I pouted.

“Come here my big old baby” Harry said opening his arms engulfing me in a warm momma bear hug.

Comfort. That's what I felt in that very moment safely cuddled inside Harry's arms, against the warmth of his chest.

I don't even remember the faintest memory of my biological parents, let alone who they were. I do know for a fact that I was left at the orphanage at the age of two. And when I was fifteen, it was a journey from one foster home to the other. Eighteen was when I finally broke through the clutches and ran away to New York, which felt like the right thing to do at that time.

And now here I am at the age of twenty three, five years later with my dream job, an amazing and supportive family and the love of my life.

If I hadn't met Zayn back then when I did, I didn't know how my life would have turned out now. I certainly wouldn't be sitting down right here nor would I have met Niall. Zayn has always been a father figure that I wanted to look up to growing up. A part of me always wished if I had the mother figure too. That void got filled up when Harry came into my life. And I couldn't have asked for a better one.

“Two more hours to go before your wedding”

Oh yeah. The wedding. Completely slipped out of my mind for a split second. It was a relief to have a few moments of distraction from it. But anyways back to the wedding.

I first met Niall during Zayn's first album launch. He was there sitting out in the corner munching on a bowl of fries. A lot of people could have picked my interest in the room. But my eyes were focused on the blonde guy at the corner of the room.

“Don't even think about it. He's off limits” Zayn had warned me that day when he found out about my lingering gaze on Niall. Liam did too. Like I said, Zayn was a father figure to me like Liam was to Niall. But being the brat I was, I didn't bother listening to either one of them.

We talked for hours that day Ni. But to us the hours never seemed long but just mere seconds passing by. We parted ways before our fathers would have our necks.

I asked you out on a date two days after the event. We had to be careful, like every step we could needed to be planned ten times ahead. You can't blame us. We had very overprotective fathers on our back.

The day when everything went downhill was when Zayn caught us the first time "you" brought me home. We played it of us "Oh we got paired for a photoshoot and that's why he's here”. Skeptical Zayn believed it but not entirely. When he saw us making out in the kitchen, I swear I had never seen him angry like that.

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