Chapter Six: Middle-Earth Part One

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"We need your help," I finished my overview of what was going on. "We're eventually going to go to war, and the evils of this world will join them, and if we surrender, we will all be killed, the government will be overthrown, and evil will rise in our place." Aragorn listened to the whole thing. I was lucky I even got a darn audience. I wondered the entire time if he would even believe me. To a stranger, I sounded insane.

"Who even are you?" an advisor asked. The guy was like half former minister Fudge and half Percy Weasley, honestly. The most annoying mix ever. "You're a woman, little more than a girl." I rolled my eyes. I always hated worlds where women were little more than simple wives. Ugh.

"My name is Kianna Skywalker," I replied, trying to keep the annoyance out of my words. "Your king may or may not recognize me, but he recognizes this weapon." I ignited my lightsabers and displayed them. "I fought in the Battle of Helm's Deep and the Battle of Pelennor Fields." Aragorn simply stared at the weapon, while the stupid advisor just spluttered with indignation.

"Sire, you cannot be listening to this girl, she is clearly-" Aragorn silenced the advisor with a hand, and he sputtered into silence.

"You must listen to me," I said before anyone else could turn this whole thing into an uproar. I didn't want it to get messy. "I assure you, once these villains realize I was here, they'll recruit the evil from here, and they'll burn this world. It won't matter if you join me or not."

"Mordor is demolished, the Orcs and Uruk-hai killed, the Dark Lord Sauron destroyed," Aragorn said. "Saruman is no more and Isengard belongs to Treebeard."

"I know that, but it seems that the evils are coming back to life," I said. Now I seriously sounded crazy.

"You see, my lord," the advisor perked up again. "She is not in her right mind. She should be tending to her elders, or sewing, or-" At the sewing part, I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Girls from my world are not like girls in Middle-Earth, sir!" I exclaimed, being awfully sarcastic on the sir. "Anyway, if I can come back from the dead, why can't they?" I was starting to realize how this whole thing worked, though if they weren't sons or daughters of Hades, then how did they come back? I pushed on anyway. "Sir, my dead body was confirmed at the battle of Pelennor Fields. You may not have seen, but it was." That was true. I had died at the Battle of Pelennor Fields, and that was when I had met my father Hades. That was also when I was most sneaky and looked for a rip in the Fields of Asphodel. I hadn't found it, but Hades had realized who I was and how powerful I was and told me about the route. Not many details, but I was smart enough to find it.

"Sir, that, um, is true," someone stood up and said. I didn't recognize the person, but he must have been some former military person. So that's why he blanched when I first walked in.

"That cannot be!" the same advisor exclaimed. Shut up already. I thought with complete annoyance. I didn't transmit though. That would be straight-up rude, and that's not what I wanted to be right now.

"And yet, I'm standing right in front of you," I replied. "Please, will you help us?" Aragorn thought for a moment.

"What would happen if we didn't help you?" he asked.

"All of Middle-Earth would burn," I replied. "Evil from four worlds will descend on this world to prevent you from changing your mind and helping us." Aragorn considered my words. Every moment I waited felt like an eternity.

"Before we agree, what are we looking at here? What are the numbers?" Aragorn asked. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems these villains have around..." I did the math in my head, and guessed an estimate. "Probably around 5500."

"And your allies?" I thought about it.

"Best case scenario, 2500."

"Sire, that's a losing battle," another person said.

"I agree," Aragorn said. I didn't blame him. 2500 against 5500 is horrible odds, but luckily, I knew generally what we were up aganist, and I knew a particular villain wouldn't be able to help using some of the dumbest enemies in the whole freaking universe.

"Luckily, I'll estimate at least a third of the enemies will be the freaking dumbest droids, not to mention quite a few clones in there who are not as good," I said, not bothering to cover up my language. I was being realistic here. "You all will have literally no problem beating them. That leaves these other worlds..." I walked the room through each of our enemies, explaining their strengths and weaknesses and how to counter them. I pulled up a hologram of each of them so we all knew what we were up against. The more I thought about it, the more confident I was that we had a chance. Once I was finished, I put my holograms away and waited, arms folded slightly impatiently.

"Well?" I asked, keeping the sarcasm well away from my voice. "Will you join us?" I could practically see the gears turning in Aragorn's head, considering every move.

"Yes," Aragorn said. I breathed a sigh of relief, but quickly composed myself. It honestly took all I had to restrain myself from cheering. "However, even with the schematics of this war, and the help that was promised, you still need more people." That was true. These were still pretty bad odds even now with the army of Gondor helping.

"What are you thinking?" I asked. It had to be someone from Middle-Earth.

"The Elves in the Undying Lands," Aragorn said. "They would remember you, and would most likely help. I know someone there you can speak to."

"And who may that be?"


*chuckling from cliffhanger* Don't worry, next part will be out soon! Trust me, you'll be glad I ended it right here. *mwah ha ha*


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