Chapter Thirteen: The Gathering of the Jedi

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I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for what must have been an hour or so, then gave up and went to visit Rowan, Saqqara padding alongside me as a panther, whispering to me all the while.

"Can't believe it was him," she said. "I honestly thought it was Katooni, and I know you did too."

"True," I replied. "But I suppose he was right. A chance gives everyone motivation, and when they know there's no chance, no one bothers to try." I came upon the hospital wing area and it slid open to reveal Rowan still sleeping on a bed. I sighed and pulled up a chair.

"My gods, Rowan, do I wish you were awake. I wish you were there, at that first meeting. It was so inspirational because everyone showed off their powers, but heavy at the same time because everyone got to know exactly what they are up against. You should've seen everyone there. It was amazing, seeing all the worlds come together." I exhaled, looking down. "You've done so much for everyone. I don't know how many people know you're the one who created this place, but I know, and thank you for it."

"You're welcome," a voice replied. I looked up again.

"Rowan!" I exclaimed happily.

"What did I miss?" she asked.

"The first meeting, but that's all," I replied. "I'm going to the ruins this afternoon, and I only hope that there are a good number of Jedi remaining."


I appeared just outside of the Temple ruins at exactly 1500. I scanned the area for patrols, then darted in and waited behind a scorched slab of stone.

"We can only hope, 'Qara," I sighed. Suddenly, a blur passed by me. "Did you see that?" The blur whizzed by again, and suddenly someone was crouching low next to me.

"Kianna Skywalker?" the person asked. It was a human female, with dark hair and blue eyes. "I'm so glad to see you. I was wondering who survived."

"Hopefully more people are coming," I replied.

"I'm Kaelith," the girl said. "Kaelith Craybra." Kaelith was only a Padawan. I could tell by her little braid. "My master will be coming along soon." About a minute later, I could hear another person sneak up and slip around the stone. It was a light-green-skinned Mikkian. I knew who it was. Shahanda Souhone.

"Greetings, Kianna Skywalker," Shahanda said.

"Hello, Shahanda," I replied. "It's good to see you and your Padawan alive." We conversed quietly for a little, then I quieted them down.

"I hear someone," Kaelith whispered.

"As do I," Shahanda replied. I peeked over the rock.

"I see someone," I said. I beckoned the girl over. She was a blue-skinned Twi'lek.

"Hello," the girl said once she had snuck over. "I'm Ashalla, Ashalla Solwinn." Slowly, minute by minute, species of all kinds trickled in. A Mirialan girl named Kyldia Clefenn, one of Katooni's friends named Gungi survived, another Twi'lek named Amyshi Ellenewl, a Keshiri named Katlize Chasta, and so on. We must have waited for around two hours, and then I decided that this was all that's come. A wide variety of species were there, from Mirialan to

Togruta. There were about seven girls and eight boys, and no Jedi Masters, only Jedi Knights and Padawans. No younglings appeared.

"There are so few of us left," a human male Padawan named Leochai Nettchu. "So many Jedi died." There were more Padawans than Knights, so quite a few of the Padawans' Masters had been killed.

"What are we going to do?" Katlize asked.

"We're going to fight," I said. "This galaxy wasn't the only world attacked, my other homeworlds were too, along with a couple of others. We have allies, and even though we may be up against powerful people, we will win."

"But there are so few of us," Amyshi lamented.

"We are not the only ones out there," I said confidently. "You guys missed the war meeting, but we have many allies. Enough to fight the villains with, even the Sith. Trust me."

"She is right," Shahanda said. "I have wondered for a long time if there were places beyond our galaxy where other species existed, and Kianna has proved me right. Many allies are out there, and they are with us, I assume."

"Yes, they are," I said. "We have many gifted and powerful people on our side too. We have a definite chance."

"So, what are we waiting for?" Kyldia asked. "Where's your base?"

"You'll see," I smiled. "Rowan, we're ready."

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