Chapter Seventeen: The Spy

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The shadows were getting worse. I couldn't sleep, not a single night, and when I did, nightmares haunted me and I woke up covered in sweat.

"I can see why Sophie never slept," I mumbled to myself after another restless night. I yawned, then walked to the War Room. I could easily find my way there now, as I have every night. Rowan was always there, whether alert and awake, studying maps of the galaxy to try and find any Jedi that hadn't gotten my broadcast, or in a chair, fast asleep.

"Hey, Kianna," Rowan groaned slightly.

"Another ache in the neck?" I asked.

"You know me," Rowan sighed. I typed a request in the hologram emitter.

"Found any other Jedi yet?" I asked hopefully. To my dismay, Rowan shook her head.

"No. Can't find a single one. Not a bit of news relating to anything linked to Jedi," Rowan informed me. I groaned, studying the vague map of Obsidia that we had.

"Looks like there's no life anywhere but at the camp," I said. "I've tried running a bio-scan, and the only life forms that pop up are at the base." I pushed a button, and the map went away, falling back into a chair. I typed another request into the holo emitter.

"Password Annika," I said.

"No hologram to display," the emitter told me.

"What?" I asked, surprised. "Password Annika." The same thing happened. I typed another request.

"Password Keres," I said urgently. Same thing. "Password Etana." Same thing.

"Someone's stolen our plans," Rowan groaned. "The plans of the worlds!"

"Who could it be?" I groaned. "No one knows my passwords."

"It has to be a spy, a Jedi," Rowan said. "Couldn't be anyone else, no one else knows Annika."

"True, but no one knows about Keres. Or Etana. Okay, maybe Etana, but not Keres. I've only told Anakin and Ahsoka in the Jedi Order, and they're both dead," I said, a weight pressing down on my heart as I spoke the last sentence.

"Someone must have overheard you," Rowan said. "Are you sure you didn't tell anyone else?"

"Unless... someone forced me to," I said slowly.

"You have as strong of a mind as anyone. No one could do that," Rowan said. I sighed.

"True... I need time. Be wary, it could be anyone," I cautioned.


It was another busy day that day. We were entering our third week of training, much scouting, and the growth of the plans of the villains' base. I could see why the thief didn't steal those plans. It would set us back quite a bit, but with more hard scouting missions, we could regain that information again. I spent a lot of time in the training room, having realized I hadn't yet watched anyone train. It was a nice break from the mundane star charts, however important they were. I also used the training room to see if anyone could be a culprit. A Jedi was most likely, but Katooni, Gungi, and Shahanda were out of the question. I would trust them with my life. That just left Ashalla, Amyshi, Katlize, Kyldia, and the rest of the Jedi that I had picked up.

"Think, Kianna, think think think!" I groaned to myself as I watched training in a corner. It was always exciting to see different worlds come together to spar. Sometimes it was funny, like when Albus made the mistake of sparring Biana. That was hilarious. I kept an eye on the Jedi as I watched Della fight Ginny, which was quite entertaining. A couple of wizards had raised a shield after they figured out that a lot of Ginny's spells were going to be flying in thin air. After that duel was over, though, lunch was in session, and everyone split up. I sighed, going with them for part of the way, staying at the back to keep an eye on everyone. I turned differently, however, to head to the War Room. On the way, though, I bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry, Kaelith," I said.

"Apologies, Kianna," Kaelith said apologetically. "I was just... um... in the War Room." I studied her carefully. Kaelith was shifting uncomfortably. "Well, I'd better get to lunch. See you around, I guess." Kaelith wandered off. I thought for a moment. It would make sense. After Shahanda, Kaelith was one of the most powerful Jedi when it came to mind tricks. They were getting to be second nature to her.

"Rowan," I said urgently, messaging her. "I think I've found the culprit."

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