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Sam awoke and sat up quickly, his head pounding. Searching for something to drink, he glanced at the time. 10:30. He'd already missed his exam. He'd have to do a makeup test next week. Sam walked to the bathroom, downing a Tylenol and a glass of water. Sam started to run the shower but stopped. He felt dizzy and he figured that the last thing he needed was to pass out in the shower. The last thing he needed was for Brooklyn to find him naked and unconscious in the shower. He stared into the mirror, viewing his reflection, noting his pale face and glassy eyes. Looking down at his clothes he realized he was still in his leather jacket and jeans. He tried to take off his jacket but realized he was freezing with it on. He walked to his closet and pulled out a pair of plaid pajama bottoms and a clean black t-shirt. He tossed the shirt onto his bed then went to change in the bathroom. After throwing his jeans into the wash basket he took off his jacket and sweater. All his clothes were sticky with sweat and when Sam unbuttoned his shirt the shock of his cold fingers to his bare chest sent him shivering.

 Brooklyn stirred when she heard Sam's closet door open. She flipped off the couch onto the floor and sat on the floor while she took a hair elastic off her wrist. She made a messy bun and stood up, straightening her sleep wrinkled clothes. Avery and Gavin must've gone already because Avery's purse was gone. Brooklyn walked out of the living room and saw the bathroom door open and a shirtless, shivering Sam emerge. 'He must be freezing.' She thought, handing Sam his shirt. Sam coughed as he pulled the black shirt over his head. His usually stylish brown hair was bed mangled and sticking up at odd angles.

 "Are you hungry?" Brooklyn asked as she slid the thermometer under his tongue. Sam shook his head then reached for his duvet. Brooklyn's eyes widened at the number then showed Sam so he could read it. 100.1 wasn't life threatening but it wasn't good either. Sam flopped backwards and groaned.

 "You've got to be kidding me. My head is pounding." His voice was scratchy and Brooklyn felt sorry for him.

 "Well, like I said..." Sam cut her off.

 "Yeah, it's my fault. I just want to sleep okay?" Brooklyn's stomach grumbled and Sam said, "There's stuff to eat in the freezer." Sam crawled under the covers to lie on his stomach. He pulled the black duvet closer to his chin.

  After dimming the lights in his bedroom, Brooklyn started on some lunch. Brooklyn dug around in the cupboards looking for some ingredients for soup. She boiled the concoction and added some more seasoning, then after tasting it, declared it finished. She was just serving two bowls when she turned around to see Sam standing in the kitchen.

 "It smelled really good. I couldn't resist. Usually I just have TV dinners or eat out." He shrugged and gave a sloppy grin before sitting at the table. Brooklyn remembered Gavin's 'womanizer' comment from last night but stuck it in the back of her brain. She then noticed how tall he really was. After setting the bowl of soup in front of him, they both ate in silence, other than Sam's occasional coughing. He looked even paler in the full sun of the kitchen. Brooklyn reached up and touched Sam's cheek. It wasn't as hot as before, but Sam looked horrible, even more so than yesterday night. He stood up and put his bowl in the sink, then sat down and waited for Brooklyn to finish. She started to get up but Sam grabbed her wrist and looked at her.

 "You don't have to do this." He mumbled.

 "Yeah, I do." Brooklyn said stubbornly.

 "Why?" Sam said, his elbows on the table.

 "Just to do something nice. Do you have a problem with that?" Brooklyn leaned back in her chair, glaring at Sam.

 Sam had no good comeback for her remark but he seemed surprised that she wanted to help him. He welcomed the help. When he was sick he usually just stayed on the couch in a miserable lump of blankets and sweaters and marathoned something on Netflix. Brooklyn turned around without a reply and started to do the dishes. Sam started to head into the bedroom but stopped after he heard Brooklyn.

 "I'm going to my house later. You can come if you want. Your choice." Brooklyn didn't turn from her post at the sink.

 "Yeah, I will." Sam stood defiantly. Brooklyn turned around surprised.

 "Ok, I'll leave at 2:00." Sam nodded and went into his bedroom. Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

 'Men can be such idiots sometimes.' She thought as she went into the living room after finishing the dishes. Sam was already in his bed, so Brooklyn found Sam's MacBook and started to check her email but stopped as she heard Sam's phone ring.


Gavin called Brooklyn's phone repeatedly but nobody would answer. Finally he just gave up and called Sam's phone. He picked up after the fifth ring. "Yeah?" Sam said. In the background Gavin heard him coughing. "Man, you sound horrible!" Gavin suddenly wished he wasn't stuck at school. "Yeah, well I feel horrible. One sec, I'll give the phone to Brooklyn." Brooklyn answered the phone. "Hey, Gavin." Gavin never really minded skipping class but somehow this felt different. He would have to leave with Avery at lunch to go to Sam's apartment. "How's Sam doing?" Gavin asked his voice thick with concern. "A little bit worse I think." Brooklyn sighed. "He's being a little stubborn. I'll just go to my house to get some stuff you don't have to leave early if you don't want to." 

 "Ok, we'll leave anyway. I'll take Avery out for lunch then come to Sam's." They exchanged goodbyes, and Gavin set out to find Avery. She was chatting with some of her friends at a table in the food court. "Let's go Avery." Gavin's face was serious, not his usual flirtatious grin. They walked silently out of the school as the lunch bell rang. "Is he worse?" Avery said as she slipped her purse into the trunk. They both got into the car.

"Brooklyn said we didn't need to leave early. She's just going to her house with Sam to get some stuff." Avery nodded. "But I am going to take you out for lunch." Avery grinned as Gavin resumed his usual mood. 

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