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"Sam? Who was that?" Brooklyn sat up in bed and looked at Sam as he shut his phone.

"Gavin. He was looking for advice." Sam leaned back and rubbed his face.

"Gavin? As in Avery and Gavin? We haven't heard from them in years."

"Yeah. They're in some financial trouble. Jack showed up and is going to rent out their basement so they don't lose the house."

"What!? If they need help we should go home. You don't mind do you?"

"It's okay Brook. If you think we have to go home we should. I was getting tired of seeing castles everyday too." Sam grinned and opened his laptop. "There's a flight leaving in a couple hours. I can get us tickets for half price."

"Done. I'll help you pack. Truthfully, I was missing the excitement of four kids everyday."

"It was nice to have a break though. Just the two of us." Sam kissed her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I agree. I wonder if this one's a girl or a boy." Brooklyn said into Sam's chest.

"Boy. I've already decided."

"You can't decide. I'm the one having it." Brooklyn laughed and threw a shirt at him. "I'm going to call Brayden to tell him were coming home in the morning. I don't think either of us will be able to drive. I'll be too sleepy."

Brooklyn grabbed her phone and tried to find service. Sam finished packing up their bags and checked out of the Scottish bed and breakfast.
- - - - -
"Thanks again for picking us up Brayden." Brooklyn yawned and put her bags in the back of the truck.

"No problem. I'm glad your home." Brayden grinned.

"The kids were getting too much?" Sam laughed.

"Let's just say Kelsey and I will be doing some serious thinking about having more than three."

"This is our last one." Brooklyn said sleepily, leaning her head against the window.

"What? Another one? You guys are crazy." Brayden pulled out onto the highway.

"I know. Were used to it."

Brooklyn poured herself a cup of coffee and dialled Avery's number. She was going to invite Gavin, Avery and Jack over for supper and have a 'reuniting meeting'. Sam came into the kitchen and got out the milk.

"How much do you want to bet that the kids won't want to sleep in today?" Sam whispered to Brooklyn. He kissed her noisily on the cheek and grinned.

"Shh, Sam I'm on the phone!" Brooklyn giggled. Sam turned around to have Cameron jump full force into his arms off the stairs.

"Whoa! Your going to knock me over one of these days! How was Uncle Brayden? Did he behave?" Sam looked up to see Brayden walk into the kitchen. Cameron shook his head and giggled.

"Don't tell Mom but I might have to get him to babysit more often." Sam ruffled his hair and got out the Corn Pops and poured some for Cameron.

"They're coming over at six for dinner. Sam, can you barbecue?" Brooklyn locked her phone and sat on the counter.

"Sure. Just the three of them right?"

"No they have a son remember? Cade, I think his name was."

"A new play mate for you Cam." Sam sat at the table.

"I'll start packing if you have company." Ryan left the kitchen to go to the guest room.

"No rush Bray!" Brooklyn called out of the kitchen. "Avery lost her job. They have Cade in a special daycare since he can't go to school. They really need help."

"There's an opening as a secretary at my office that I can get her."

"That's nice of you Sam. With one more on the way I'm going to need to get a job soon."

"You forget I practically own the whole company, Brooklyn."

"Your right. I should get cleaning if they're coming over tonight."

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