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After doing the dishes Brooklyn took Sam's laptop into his room and stationed herself in the fluffy armchair in the corner, so she could keep an eye on Sam. She looked over at him and winced as his ragged breathing was interrupted by brief coughing fits in his sleep. Brooklyn went over and sat at the edge of his bed. She sifted her hand through his hair and felt her heart turn over with compassion. His soft hair felt good in her fingers. Sam seemed to lean into her hand and he sighed softly. She gasped and pulled her hand away as his eyes fluttered open.

 "No, don't stop. That felt good." Even Sam's whisper was hoarse and she imagined what his throat felt like. Sam suddenly turned over in his bed and pulled the covers up to his ears.

 "We should get going. It's getting stormy. I checked the weather." Brooklyn returned to finishing her report on Sam's laptop. Sam reluctantly climbed out of bed and walked over to Brooklyn's spot at his chair.

 "Get some real pants on, it's cold outside. You're not going outside in pajamas." Sam rolled his eyes and gave a mock salute. "Yes ma'am." He grabbed some jeans from the bottom of his closet and went over to the bathroom. Brooklyn shut down the computer and grabbed her jacket. Sam came out of the bathroom with two layered sweaters and a jacket. He pulled on a red beanie, picked up his keys and locked the door. Brooklyn followed with her purse and shoulder bag. The two went into the garage and Sam started up his truck. The wind whistled outside as the jacked up truck revved in the small garage. Sam backed out of his stall and turned out on to the main road.

 "Where's your house?" Sam squinted through the windshield to see the road better, as the rain whipped against the truck.

 "Turn left at the next stop." Brooklyn folded her arms against her chest to block out the cold seeping in through the doors. Sam turned on to Brooklyn's street and pulled into the driveway of her house.

"You still live with your parents?" Sam asked. Brooklyn shrugged.

"I don't really have the money to live in an apartment by myself. Hence the job application and it is free to live here." She got out of the car and opened the garage door with her keys.

"Oh. I just assumed you lived away from home like the rest of us." Brooklyn continued walking into the house but replied, "I didn't say I didn't have one, I don't live in it. My brother does right now actually. Until I can pay to live there." Sam shrugged and followed Brooklyn to the basement. She grabbed her laptop and charger and some various articles of clothing.

 "If you don't mind I'd rather shower here than at your house." Brooklyn gathered up some clothes and went to the bathroom that joined the bedroom.

 "Yeah, sure, be my guest. I don't have anywhere to go." Sam curled up in a chair. He held up a Seventeen magazine and pretended to flip through it. Brooklyn shut the door and Sam heard the shower running.


Sam must've fallen asleep on the chair, because Brooklyn was shaking him to wake him up. She looked concerned and worried.

 "Are you okay? I thought you passed out or something." Her hand was still on his arm and she quickly removed it.

 "Yeah, yeah I'm coming. I was just sleeping." Sam set down the magazine and went to the garage to start the truck. He eased his aching body into the truck and rubbed his hands over his face. "Man, I need to shave." Brooklyn opened the door to the truck.

 "Yeah, maybe a shower would be good too." Brooklyn set her bag on her lap. They pulled out of the driveway and headed back to the apartment. Brooklyn pulled out a pair of tangled headphones and plugged them into her phone, ignoring any further conversation with Sam.

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