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Brooklyn has just finished packing the groceries for the camping trip in the back of the van. Sam was gathering up the tent and sleeping bags and Bryson had agreed to watch the kids one last day before moving to his handy man job.

"Sam? Where are you?" Brooklyn wiped her hands on her jeans and wandered into the garage.

"In here." Sam called from behind some boxes. "Are you sure you still want to take them camping?"

"Yes." Brooklyn said tentatively. "It's only for a weekend Sam."

"Well, all I'm saying is that what's the point of taking four kids from the ages one to four camping?" Sam sighed and threw some camping gear in the back of the van. Sam had been annoyed the last couple of days but Brooklyn didn't want to ask him about it yet. She could tell because whenever he got angry it brought out the grey in his eyes and his brow was permanently furrowed. Brooklyn walked into the house to the playroom to gather up the kids. She had mastered the art of carrying three kids at once.

"Come on Cammy." Brooklyn scooped up all of the triplets.

"Are we having dino nuggets for supper?" Cam stared up at her with his big brown eyes. 

"Yup. We'll eat on the way to the campsite." She smoothed out his hair that had a tendency to stick straight up most of the time. She got in the passenger seat and waited for Sam.

"How far away is the camp site?" Sam asked.

"Just two and a half hours. Don't worry I'll buy you a Starbucks on me." Brooklyn reached over and squeezed his hand. He gave a weak smile and turned his attention back to driving. 

Sam clenched his jaw and rubbed his tired eyes. After being caught for two additional hours in a thunder storm it looked like they were not going to make it to the camp site much less set up in this rain. Brooklyn and the kids were asleep and the repeated sound of pounding against the wind shield was starting to give him a headache. He swallowed the last dregs of a warm Coke and grimaced. He was tempted to wake up Brooklyn for that coffee break but he let her sleep.

His sisters accident was drilling its place in the back of his mind. He hadn't told Brooklyn the whole truth yet. They had been camping while his parents were away on a business trip and Luke had gathered up some of his friends to go camping, and Sam also suspected now after all of these years that drinking, drugs and other foul play had been involved. Sam had suggested to play the game and Henri had came looking for them and joined in, instead of making them come home. It was his fault for going along and letting her play. Sam sighed heavily and checked the clock. 

"That was a really big sigh. What's up?" Brooklyn said sleepily and stretched. 

"Um, nothing. I just need a coffee." Sam groaned inwardly. 'Great Sam. Keep it from her longer.' 

"Look there's a Starbucks. Americano, right?" Brooklyn held out her wallet as they drove through the driveway. "Are we going to be able to set up site in this rain?" Sam shook his head.

"Probably not." 

"So what are we going to do? Should we rent a motel? It's raining really hard." Brooklyn sipped her white  chocolate mocha and looked out the window. 

"I guess we should." Sam turned into a decent motel and him and Brooklyn got out and went to the front desk. It was still pouring freezing cold rain and Brooklyn held onto the warmth of her coffee. 

"Just the one room?" The old woman working the desk said mischievously with a grin. 

"Uh no. Do you have rooms with extra beds? We still have four others in the car." Brooklyn dug out her wallet. 

"The biggest room we have has two queen sizes and a couch."

"We'll take that." Sam handed over his Mastercard. "I'm not letting you pay with your own money. We can file this under emergency at my work." He whispered in her ear. She flicked some rain off her jacket and smiled at him. Sam smelled like fresh rain and the spiciness of his cologne mixed in. 

"What?" Sam took the room key and went back outside to get the four sleeping kids. 

"Sorry. You smell good." In the dark she couldn't tell if he was blushing but she was pretty sure he was. She balanced Nat and Bella on her hip and grabbed the toiletry bag. Brooklyn didn't mind wearing the same clothes but she had to at least have a shower. 

"You have the room key?" Brooklyn whispered in the dimly lit hallway. 

"Yeah, it's in my back pocket. Can you get it?" Sam shifted Foster so Brooklyn could grab it. Brooklyn's wet cold fingers fumbled to get the room key out of Sam's jeans pocket. 

"Ok. I got it." She stuck the card into the slot and tried to pull it out. "Sam. It's stuck." They both reached for it at the same time, brushing hands. The door swung open revealing two beds and a couch.

"Alright pick two. Foster and Nat can sleep with me." Sam set down Cam on the bed and slipped off his jacket and shoes.

"Why do I get Cam?" Brooklyn found her PJ's and tooth brush in her bag.

"Oh, so you do know that he kicks in his sleep. Wonder which parent he got that from." Sam said, eyes glinting in the glow of the blue alarm clock. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and ducked into the bathroom and changed into her PJ's. When she got out of the bathroom he was just taking off his shirt. 'Can you fall in love with your husband after your married?' Brooklyn wondered and bit her lip to keep from smiling. 

"What are you laughing at?" Sam rolled onto the bed and turned off the lamp. "You." Brooklyn replied and crawled under the covers and kissed Bella and Cam's heads.



"Don't I get a goodnight kiss?" Sam leaned on his elbow looking at her.

"I guess." Brooklyn grinned and leaned across the space of the floor and the two beds. Sam slipped and fell on the floor.


"Only you Sam." Brooklyn bit back some laughter and helped him get up. "Are you ok?" 

"Yes. I'm just pretty embarrassed if anything." Sam leaned back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling listening to the pounding rain. Brooklyn giggled into her pillow. 

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