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'Morning sickness is worse than I thought.' Brooklyn thought, sitting on the bathroom floor, her legs tucked into her chest waiting for the next wave of nausea to pass. Sam came into the bathroom, bare foot and shirtless. 

"Brook? What are you doing? It's 5:30 in the morning." Sam sat down next to her. 

"I didn't feel good. Sorry if I woke you up." Brooklyn smiled and stood up and splashed water on her face. 

"I'm worried about you, you know." Sam started the shower and grabbed his razor. 

"It's ok. When we have a little boy or girl running around after you it'll be worth it." She rubbed her abdomen thoughtfully. 

"Who said they wouldn't look like their beautiful mother?" Sam grinned and flicked shaving cream at her.

Brooklyn laughed. "I'm going to go back to bed and see if I can get any sleep before work." Sam started to close the door and stopped. 

"Don't I get a kiss?" He said, trying to put on his best sad eyes. Brooklyn walked over to the bathroom and kissed Sam.

"Will you still love me when I'm a beached whale?" 

"One, I will always love you and two I won't let my wife turn into a whale!" 

"You know what I mean!" Brooklyn laughed and returned to the bed room for some well deserved sleep.


  "Brooklyn? I'm home!" Sam turned on the light to find Brooklyn asleep on the couch with a parenting magazine across her chest. Sam smiled and kissed his sleeping wife on the cheek and started making supper. 

Sam was just setting the table when he saw a still sleepy Brooklyn come and sit at the table.

"What time is it?" She yawned, putting her hair in a pony tail. 

"6:30." Sam set a plate of chicken and instant mashed potatoes in front of her.

"What! I only meant to sleep for an hour! I know how much you hate making supper." Brooklyn picked at her potatoes with her fork guiltily. 

"Hey. It's ok. I didn't say I didn't like making supper, I'm just not a very good cook." Sam laughed when Brooklyn grimaced at a bite of chicken. 

"That's for sure." Brooklyn smiled reaching for the phone when it rang. 

She answered with her standard greeting. 

"Fields residence."

"My brother did what!?"

"Sam we need to go." Brooklyn grabbed her coat and headed out the door. Sam ran after her grabbing the keys and locking the door as he went.

"What happened?" Sam shrugged on his jacket and starting the truck.

"Just drive to my parents house, ok?" Brooklyn sighed and reached for Sam's hand. 

"Well is anyone dying!?" Sam stared ahead and watched the road as he drove faster than usual. 

"No! Nobody is dying."  Brooklyn rested her head in her arms looked at her phone display nervously.

Brooklyn rang the door bell and waited for her dad to open the door. He looked tired and worn, the same dark hair as Brooklyn flecked with grey. 

"Mr. Ramsey." Sam nodded, always greeting her dad formally. 

"Your mom's in the kitchen." Mr. Ramsey ushered Sam and Brooklyn into the kitchen. Mrs. Ramsey sat at the table across from Bryson on the verge of tears. 

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