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Brooklyn seemed to have gotten over the lunch episode since Sunday. It had been a few weeks since then and Brooklyn had only seen Sam a few times on campus and when she did she looked away and ran the opposite direction. She felt like she was in junior high, running away from him.


It was a quiet Wednesday at work with Lance and Brooklyn was still stressed about Sam.

"Lance how do you know if you're supposed to date someone?" Brooklyn stopped wiping down the counters and sat on the counter. Lance leaned on the mop and replied.

"I don't know it just happens. Why?" Brooklyn looked at the floor. "Ah, you've found yourself a worthy candidate have you?" Lance chuckled.

"We just seem to clash heads all the time." Brooklyn looked at the door as the bell rung when it opened.

"Oh my God, Lance that's him! Tell him I'm not here!" She glanced hurriedly at Sam.

"That would be lying it wouldn't it?" Lance pushed her to the front counter. Sam went to the counter and pressed his palms on the menu taped to the counter.

"Oh, hey Brooklyn. Real mature to just leave a guy sitting by himself at lunch." Sam spit out sarcastically.

"Maybe if you weren't such an ass I would have stayed." Brooklyn fought back with equal venom.

"I just came to return this." Sam slammed her wallet on the counter.

"I bet you took all the money out."

"I'm going to buy you a coffee and we can talk about this like civilized adults!" Sam reached into his wallet and slapped a five-dollar bill on the counter.

"Maybe I don't want one!" Brooklyn threw her apron at Lance, who caught it with his face, and stormed to a table. Sam leaned over the table on his elbows speaking quietly.

"If you want to date me you just have to ask." Sam tried to look charming.

"I never said that. I just said that I was a lonely, desperate whiner. And stop staring at me like that. It's like your staring into my soul. " Brooklyn glared at him, and burned her tongue on her coffee.

"Oh, well I could only assume you meant me." Sam looked down and studied the grain of the table.

"Touché. Fine, I have a deal for you. Let's try dating for a few months, like a trial run. We'll probably kill each other but it's what you want right?" Brooklyn stood up and grabbed Sam's wallet and took out a twenty.

"Thanks for the tip." She waved the bill in front of his face. "See you later."

Sam sat at the table, looking stunned. He suddenly stood up and walked over to the back room where she had disappeared. He corned her and laid his palm on the wall, making himself a human shield.

"You still have to ask me." His aqua eyes glittered fiercely.

"Ask you wha... oh." Brooklyn looked like a trapped mouse in a cage. She shook her head and gave him her best flirty stare. She stood on her tiptoes and brought her lips by his ear.

"Over my dead body, pretty boy." Her hot breath on his neck made him shiver with excitement. She ducked under his arm and shot a sly glance over her shoulder.

"Wait! Babe, come back! Should I change my Facebook status?" He called after her with a dopey grin on his face.

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