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Gavin's POV:

"Gavin?" Hearing Avery's voice from down the hall, I shoved the marines pamphlet I'd been looking at under my pillow.

"Yeah?" I turned around to look at Avery.

"Can you go pick up Cade from the party? I know you want to talk to Sam." She came over and sat on the bed next to me.

"Sure. Should I pick up supper on the way back? My treat."

"If you want." Avery left the room and I heard her turn on the TV in the next room. I shrugged even though I knew she couldn't see me and grabbed my keys. I had wanted to talk to Sam about joining the army. I hadn't really made up my mind on how I would tell Avery.

I drove to Sam and Brooklyn's house in the higher end of town. When I got out of the truck I could hear kids screaming and laughing in the backyard. Ringing the doorbell I stuck my hands in my pockets and waited. The last time I had seen Sam was the supper that Brooklyn had invited us over for which ended up to be just Avery and Brooklyn crying the whole time and Sam telling me how he had totally rearranged his life and had four kids. It was great seeing them again but I couldn't help but feeling jealous. Being able to have kids would be great, owning a home, having a regular job and being able to pay for the groceries without coupons would be great. Even getting by would mean a lot to me.

Brooklyn opened the door and ushered me inside.

"I can get Cade for you. If your not in a hurry I can get a beer or a soda for you."

"Uh, sure. I was actually here to talk to Sam for a bit."

"I'll go get him. He's popular with the kids." Brooklyn smiled warmly and went to the backyard. Sam came into the living room.

"Hey. You wanted to talk?" Sam looked essentially the same as he did in university but with more laugh lines and a good natured smile. "We can go to my office." Sam led him to a step down before the basement.

"Sam, I'm going to join the marines."
Sam sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Have you thought this over?"

"Even with the schooling I have I can't seem to hold down a decent job. I need a break. I know that's not an excuse but it's more money than I'm making now. Plus Avery and Cade will have everything they need."

"I understand that. Are you sure it's best to leave with everything going on right now? How are you going to tell Avery about it?"

"That's it? Your not going to talk me out of it?"

"It's not my choice and I'll support you no matter what decision you make."

"Thanks Sam. You don't know how much that means to me. I really just needed to tell someone. I should probably get going. Dylan's expecting supper when I get back."

"Okay. You can talk to me anytime you know."

"Thanks again Sam." I stepped out of the office and looked for Cade. "Cade? Time to go." Cade came running around the corner and smashed into my legs, hugging them.

"Whoa buddy! Did you have a good time?" He nodded into my legs and I ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go. Mommy's expecting supper."

After stopping at a Wendy's on the way home we stopped back at home. Cade happily ran to his room. I found Avery in the bedroom.

"Gavin?" Her voice sounded small. "What is this?" She held up the pamphlet, not bothering to wipe the tears from her face.

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