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Brooklyn Ramsey sat in the middle of the auditorium in the mandatory class for graduating students at the University of Brentwood. She sighed and rested her chin in her palm. As boring as it was there was promise of free coffee coupons from the café if there was participation in the class and she could use that free coffee to take a dent out of her budget.

  Sam Fields, Brooklyn's friend, walked up and ran a hand through his messy brown hair, searching for a spot in the crowded room. He picked a spot close to her and slumped into his chair at just the right angle that she could see his aqua blue eyes in the dimmed light. She had been harbouring a growing attraction for the newest addition to her posse for the last four years and every one seemed to know it but him.

  Brooklyn rolled her eyes as someone blew on the back of her neck. Sighing and turning to see whom the offender was she looked straight into blue eyes and a blonde hair framed face.  Jack McGoran was her childhood friend and a real country boy at heart. A year older than Brooklyn, she thought of him as one of her many siblings.

"How's it going, Brooklyn?" Jack whispered as a hush fell over the audience as the program started.

"Fine. I'm getting my application ready for that coffee place." Brooklyn replied over her shoulder. Jack had been the one to suggest her getting a job and also she suspected to get free coffee. She tucked a soft lock of long dark brown hair behind her ear.

"Sweet. I'll see how it's going later." Brooklyn turned around and tried to focus on the information being presented. She frowned when her phone vibrated in her pocket, but then smiled as she saw whom the text was from. She should've known it was Gavin. He was the one who always made you laugh no matter what happened. He had been dating their mutual friend Avery for almost five months and everyone was just waiting for when he would propose. She slid the unlock button, and then quickly read the text.

  "Pizza tonight? Sam will be there! ;)"  She turned in the seat in her seat and glared at Gavin. He had been trying to set them up for a while but never succeeded. He shrugged and Brooklyn could see his defiant smile and the mischievous glint of his deep brown eyes. 'Great get the Irish in him to come out.'  Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

  "Fine! Let's have a movie night at somebody's house? Please. One night off before our exams in a few weeks."

  Brooklyn heard the faint buzz from Gavin's phone behind her, after she pressed send. Gavin's reply took a couple seconds before it got to Brooklyn's phone.

  "Sure, I'll ask Sam. It is only Thursday you know. Not too late. The rest of us have exams not a paper on the internet." He sure was a persuader when it came to convincing someone to eat in a grimy pizzeria. Brooklyn tapped out a quick reply, and then continued filling out the form for the part-time position at the Java Bean Cafe. Brooklyn finished a couple sections before the lunch break. Brooklyn was glad she didn't have classes in the afternoon, so her options were open for the Java Bean. She would rather take courses on the Internet than do extra electives.

  She gathered her books then hauled them off to the small group of fast food places on campus. She was going with Avery for lunch while she dropped off the form for the position. After grabbing her car keys and her purse she quickly walked around the corner to the cafeteria when she slammed into someone. Brooklyn smelled woodsy cologne and a hint of clean freshness, like laundry detergent, as she stared into the faded leather jacket she realized who it was. "Oh. It's you." Brooklyn said as Sam stared quizzically at her. He held out her application form.

"You left this." He stuck his hands in his pockets and avoided eye contact.

"Thanks?" Something about him always turned the speech section of her brain to mush. Brooklyn cleared her throat and spoke with confidence.

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