\Chaptеr dwadzieścia trzy\ mama y papa

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"They can't seem to get enough of you, Amelia.", Martha says as the last of the women leave.

The women have been obsessed with Amelia and her newborns. They were the top subject at each gathering. 

"More like my children. They can obsess all they want, though, I am." She shrugs with a smile.

"I'm pleased to see you happy." Martha smiles at her.

"Of course, I'm happy, I have so much to be happy about."

"No, but, genuinely happy. This is the first time I've seen you genuinely happy. I can't wait to experience the joy of being a mother."

"Wait, you and Thomas are... "

Martha quickly raises her hand, "Oh, no! We're just starting to make plans is all."

Carena grabs her hand, "You will make a great mother, Martha, I just know it."

"Promise to keep this in between us, I don't want all the women to start flooding me just yet.", she chuckles, rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm great at keeping secrets."

"I can tell."

Carena drove home in a calm state. 

"I'm home!" She calls out as she enters the manor.

She takes off her glasses and outerwear before placing them over a table.

The nanny is quick to bring her Joan and Odette, much to Carena's liking.

"My babies! Mommy's home babies.", she says as she grabs her children.

The baby's babble, Joan moving around as she's moved.

"I missed you, I missed you. Did you miss mommy?"

They giggle as their mother fills their face with kisses as she walks to the living room.

"Not as much as daddy missed mommy." Charles walks over and kisses her on the cheek then takes Joan into his arms.

"Hello, dear. I'm sorry I'm a tad late; Martha and I got caught up in conversation."

"It's alright, I got myself caught in conversation with some family friends as well.", he says as they sit down on the couch.

"Anyone, I know?" She asks as she mindlessly coos at her daughter.

"Mostly friends of my mother's." He waves her off.

"Well, if you're not busy today then would you like to join us to visit Mamie and Papy?"

"I'm sorry, but I got a call in the hospital, they have surgery today. They're probably starting right now.", he says, looking down at his watch.

"We can just go over when they're out. I'm sure one of them will be out later on tonight."

He shakes his head, "They might not. And my mother wanted the girls tonight. So she's coming over around seven. "

"What?! Charles, you know how much I want them to meet their granddaughters. And I've told you, I want at least the weekends without your mother around. She comes over every day and always takes the girls from me."

"I know how my mother can be. But she loves the girls, we can't be mad at her for that.", he says, standing up.

"They're my children, Charles.", she says with a serious tone.

He hands Joan over to the nanny, a peeved look on his face.

"If anyone understands you here, Amelia, it's me. I don't know if you've forgotten but today was the day you said yes to marrying me. And I wanted to celebrate." He frowns pitifully.

"I just... I really want to see them. I really want them to see each other.", she says as she hugs her babe, tears threatening to come out.

"You don't know how much I wish you're parents were healthy and that we could go see them right now. That you could see them every day. It breaks me not being able to do that for you. The one thing you asked of me." He looks down at himself, shamefully.

Carena looks down, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you feel guilty. It just gets hard sometimes, all this waiting. You know I appreciate everything you've done for me and my parents."

He walks over to her.

He frowns as he runs his fingers through her hair, "If only I could make you happy."

She grabs his hand, "I am happy. And all I ask of you now is to have a great, long, happy life with our children." 

"I promise.", he says, placing a kiss on her lips.

"Now, how exactly are we celebrating this anniversary of ours?"

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