\Chapter семнадцать\ mother dearest

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Meeting the parents of your significant other can be nerve-wracking. After all, you want to make a good impression on those who are important to your partner, seeing as they'll become part of your family. Sometimes you're nervous over nothing and they're sweet and welcoming people. Other times they're very unwelcoming, rude, judgy, and frankly, unenjoyable to be around.
Carena was unfortunate enough to land with the second type of mother-in-law. Everyone was aware of Eugenia Coldwell and her strict, old-fashioned ways.
It has been a week since Carena accepted Charles' proposition, and it's finally time for her to meet her future mother-in-law.

She sat in the room Charles had left her in, waiting for his mother. She'd constantly tapped her foot and scratched her arm. She looked around the room, not looking for anything in particular. 
Finally, the door opened and in came Eugenia Coldwell, she had a stern look on her face as if she's never smiled a day in her life. She looked down at the sitting girl.

Carena looked back at her cold judgmental eyes.

"You should have stood up the moment I came in, as part of the help, you should already know that."

"Sorry.", she said more like a question than an apology.

"Stand up, girl."

She slowly stood up. Making Eugenia roll her eyes.

"You have a lot of learning to do if you're to become a Coldwell."

Carena blinked twice, wanting to clean her ears to see if she heard that right.

"Wait, so you're alright with Charles-"

"Marrying someone like you? Of course not. I tried to convince him to not go through with it, but alas I couldn't. He's insistent on marrying you. Do not confuse me allowing you to marry my son, with my blessing the marriage. I will never approve of it or you, but it'd be a waste of time to try to stop it, you won't last long anyway."

"Excuse me? I don't need to take this."

"Oh, but you do. For your parents. Yes, Charles told me about them. And if you want us to take good care of them, then you must do as I say. I am being very generous, I could've had you and your parents deported, but instead, I will allow you to marry my son. Let you become a woman of high society, and save your dear parents. I would be on my knees if I were you, not back talking."

Carena stepped down, still fuming on the inside.

"Good, now, during these next few months you'll learn to be an elegant and classy woman of elite society. Put back the whole poor beggar girl you used to be. Once I'm satisfied enough with your progress, the marriage will be announced. Then the marriage. And if you're smart, after the honeymoon, a child. Let's start with your name. What is it?"

"Carena Amalie Euridice Berthe Lucero Beauport.", she responded through gritted teeth.

"Not anymore. Now it's Charlotte Amelia Elizabeth Beauport. You'll be a foreign cousin of the Wellingtons. Came here to live with them recently, and have been orphaned."

"I am not changing my name.", Carena quickly objected.

"We've already discussed this, you have no choice in this matter.", she waved her off.

Carena exploded,"I don't care, my name is Carena Amelie Euridice Berthe Lucero Beauport. My parents are Lucian Juniper Reynaud Odyssee Beauport and Annette Oreli Liliane Aurore Beauport, and they are not dead."

"Well, if you don't want them to be then I suggest you play along and keep quiet."

"You might own me now, but I deserve to at least keep my name."

"Why my son chose you, is beyond my understanding."

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