\Chapter nove\ senior year

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Two years went by, and she and her friends were in their last year of high school, except for Skyler who had already graduated.
He managed to get a scholarship to a college in a different state, starting the next school year. They all celebrated his accomplishment with dinner, even Rosemary joined in.

Carena still hung out with Charles, he even joined her and her family for one Christmas.
Rosemary had also found out about her friendship with Charles, it had resulted in a squabble between them. But they didn't stay mad at each other for long.
Rosemary still wasn't happy about it but accepted that it was Carena's choice.

Though not everything was going great.
Carena's mother had gotten ill, very ill, and as the days went by she only got sicker.
She had to help her out more in the kitchen. Though it wasn't her free time that worried her, it was how weak her mother was getting.
They didn't have enough money for a consultation with a doctor but were slowly saving up for it. 

Ally helped her by getting her part-time job at her father's diner. The rest of the group joined her since they too could use some money.
So when she wasn't helping her mom in the kitchen, she was working her part-time job.

All that working didn't leave much time for dating. Though Rosemary found a way, having had her share of dates and even a few boyfriends, they never lasted long.
Ally and Skyler were still going steady, while Carena and Danielle remained without romantic companions.
Not to say Carena didn't try, she'd go on some dates, but for some reason, they'd never call back, she didn't let it get to her though.

It was spring break once again, and the trio, plus Skyler, were working. It wasn't as busy as other days since most people were out of town. 

"Okay. So prom is coming soon, we need to start planning. I hear that skag Jennifer is running for prom queen. She doesn't know who the hell she's messing with.", Rosemary told the group as she sat down for a break.

Skyler leaned his head back as he rolled his eyes, "Jeez Rosie, don't flip your wig. You already won  homecoming-"

"Yeah, well if you weren't such a ding-bat, Skyler. Then you'd know that prom queen is more important."

"I agree, you worrying so much about prom is worthless. We should be focusing on more futile problems, what we're going to do after high school, for example.", Ally said, not looking up from the book she was reading.

"Oh, my sweet Ally, if you only knew."

Ally rolled her eyes at Rosemary.

"Someone like you might not see why prom is so important, I mean you still believe you were 'born in the wrong generation', and were supposed to be born in a year that I'm pretty sure didn't have a prom or even college for women."

"That is not correct, actually. Education for women has been-", Ally said, finally putting her head up.

"Ally, you're cute, but don't interrupt me."

Ally rolled her eyes at Rosie again.
Carena chuckled under her breath at the two. Never a boring day with them.

"Like I was saying, I am going to tell you why prom is important. There might be many reasons why someone may not care about it, and that's fine. But to others, prom is like a goodbye party for the end of our teen years and a pre-welcome party for adulthood. It's the end of an era. It might not mean anything in ten or five years, but it'll mean something that night. And it might even be a memory that you happily look behind."

Dani, Care, and Skyler start clapping jokingly.

"Thank you! Thank you!", Rosemary got up from her seat and bowed, playing along.

Ally chuckled, "Well, I guess if it is a party with you all, then I do find it important, and I'm looking forward to it."

"And I'm looking forward to taking you.", Skyler says, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Yuck. Remember we still need to focus on me winning prom queen.", Rosemary says as she sits down.

"We'll always be there to support you, Rosie, but I think we should also focus on something else?"

"And what exactly is that, Care?"

"Our job! That crown won't buy your ticket to Hollywood.", she says, placing her notebook in front of her.

Rosemary let out a sigh.

"If only someone would recognize my talent and give me the cash I need to become a star."

"Well, I'm afraid this star needs work before showing everyone around the world her merveilleux talent."

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