\Chapter senk\ aristocrats

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Aristocrats, the upper-class, the once percent, people with bank accounts filled with old money, summer houses, winter cabins, private planes, anything they wish for. The kind of privilege everyone wishes they could have, but few do. And they know it, they want people to envy their lives, never passing up an opportunity to remind you of your inferiority. 

The five friends had gone back to the apartment, after getting ready they headed to the dinner. 
The restaurant was fancy, the kind that you'd need to book a year before. They had the kind of food that looked more like a kid's art project than food. It was filled with all types of high-class people, the five of them clearly stood out.
A girl went up to them, she looked like an older Rosemary but was tighter skinned and caked-faced, she had a beehive hairstyle and carried herself with entitlement.

"Good evening my dear cousin, Rosemary. I see you've invited some friends."

She had a fake smile on, she looked at Rosemary's friends with a judgmental glance.

"I'm Jessica-Blake Clements, soon to be Jessica-Blake Coldwell. Food and drinks are paid for, but I will have to ask you to restrain yourselves. You'll be sitting on the table marked with  Rosemary's last name, it's at the back, you're not allowed to sit anywhere else. Do also refrain from talking to others here. Have a pleasant evening. It was nice meeting me."

She whispers something to Rosemary before leaving.
Rosemary looks at her, as she's walking away, with an angry glare.

"What did she tell you?"

"Oh nothing, just warning me to not embarrass her. And to leave as soon as possible since us being here is already embarrassing enough. She also said a snide remark about our outfits, but I was done listening."

"Carena, what is the french word for either bitch or whore?"

"I believe, dear Ally, you could use, la putain for that. But I'd recommend sous-merde for this person."

The group shared a chuckle.

"Are you okay though Rosemary?", Ally asked.

"I'm alright, I have you, girls, with me."

Skyler let out a cough.

"And Skyler."

"Well, if you ask me these dinners are overrated.", Skyler comments.

"And Jessica is a total la putan or sue-mard.", Ally said, completely butchering the words.

"Jessica does seem fake and superficial.", Danielle said in one of her most insulting lines.

"She is, more than you think. I don't even know why she's marrying this guy. He's known for being a player. He's already divorced one wife."

"How do you know this?", Carena queried.

"The Coldwells are one of the richest families here. Everyone knows about them and their scandals. Guess that's why my cousin is marrying him, nothing is better than the richest."

"I'm staying clear from patricians, the ones my parents work for are enough entitlement to fill the rest of my life. When I marry I'll probably be in my thirties and have had ventured the world, I'll find the person to continue venturing with for the rest of my life." Carena raises her head proudly.

"Well, you best send postcards. I might take a while to respond with all the fan letters and autographs. I'll probably marry a director or model, they'll either be super rich or hot but still rich. After having various lovers of course."

"I'll be a writer, working from my home as I take care of my son and daughter."

"Woah, don't you think it's too soon to be talking about that Ally? You're just a Sophomore and I'm a Junior, we have a lot of time ahead of us."

"Oh, come on Skyler right now is not the time for you and Ally to fight about the future of your relationship. I mean she could still have that without you. Maybe she'll find someone better."

"Rosemary, stop. You should tell us what you wish for your future, Skyler.", Ally says.

"Okay, well, I want to go to college. I guess I don't really know."

"Well, I want to become a nurse. That way I can help people, make the world a little better."

They chatted and ate as the night went on. At one point Rosemary and Carena left to find the ladies' room. When they were done some of Rosemary's family pulled her away. Carena simply waited for her friend.

"Well isn't this a surprise?"

She turned around to find the same man from the park.

"It's you."

"Hello, songbird. May I ask, what you're doing here?"

"Well, I could ask the same thing."

He's hesitant and took a moment to respond

"My family was invited."

"My friend's cousin is the bride-to-be."

"Would you like to accompany me for a drink?"

"I'm sixteen, I don't drink."

"Smart. I should let you get back to your friends, I'll see you later."

Carena noticed Rosemary coming back.

"I'm Carena, by the way."

Rosemary and Carena went to sit back down. More food was eaten, toasts were given, and glasses were raised. Jessica-Blake went last. They barely paid attention to any of it. It seemed to take an eternity for her to finish.

"And I'm so happy to start my new life with my wonderful husband. Tomorrow will be one of the most important times in my life and I'm glad it's Charles to be the one to share it with."

Charles stood up and kissed gave her a kiss, as the people clapped some even given some awes.
Carena, however, looked in shock as she noticed Charles was the man from the park.

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