\Chapter nouăsprezece\ a wedding to die for

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After her parents left, in came the bridesmaids. None of them were her friends or even knew her. Her friends weren't even allowed to come or know about the wedding. She missed her friends terribly, she desperately needed them, she hasn't even called them in months.
Instead, now she surrounded herself with rich strangers, whom she used to criticize. She didn't even bother to learn their names, it was pointless to do so.
They just surrounded her, making sure she looked perfect, complimenting her, and made sure they were ready themselves.

She looked at herself in the huge mirror, she wore a modest ivory white gown with half sleeves, her hair was in a clean chignon bun, and she had a cathedral-length veil with lace edges. The necklace her parents gave her was covered with huge pearls and diamonds.
They put the veil over her face before handing her the bouquet of white roses, clymens, cypresses, and pink cypresses and anemone.

The choir starts playing, people stand up as the bride comes out. 

She starts walking down the aisle. Everyone staring at her. With each step, she gets closer to sealing her faith. The closer she got to the end of the aisle, the more she could feel her old life coming to an end, along with her dreams.

Closer, closer, just a few more steps.
There's no turning back now, you've come too far, you have to do this, for your family.
She arrived at the altar. Taking Charles' hand, allowing him to lift off the veil, handing off her bouquet.

"You look beautiful.", he whispered.

"Thank you."

As the ceremony progressed, she remained in airplane mode. Wishing someone would object, but no one did.

Finally came the moment that will seal her fate, the final question. It had felt so slow coming, but now that it's here, she wished it had taken longer.

"Do you Charles Vincent Richardson Coldwell take Amelia Carena Elizabeth Lucero Beauport as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish until death do you part?"

"I do."

One last question to say yes to.

"Do you Amelia Carena Elizabeth Lucero Beauport take Charles Vincent Richardson Coldwell as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish until death do you part?"

Two final words to say. 

Two words to seal your fate.

Two. Words. 

Say. It.


"I do."

It's over, it is done. My family will live and I will become happy.

The rings were given, they were pronounced husband and wife, she was now Amelia Coldwell. Now to seal it with a kiss, her first kiss.
They all applauded and she smiled. But the kiss wasn't filled with any type of spark or fuzziness, it was nothing but a nail in her coffin. The wedding night was the next nail. But is it the last?

Is this what love is? Does it even matter?
Can love or happiness be built from this? Does it even matter?

There's no going back now.

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