\Chapter quinze\ prom night finally over

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Hospitals, they're one of the most depressing places. People sitting there, melancholy, waiting for some news. Holding onto each other for support and comfort.
Are they going to be okay?
Sometimes you get the answer you want, the one you prayed and hoped you'd, other times they give the one you dreaded the most.
Waiting minute after minute, hour after hour, every second feeling like a century. With each tick of the clock making the anxiety grow bigger.

"Family of Skyler Gayle?"

"Yes, that's us.", his mother answered with a quivering voice.

"Is he going to be alright?", Ally asked, her body shaking.

"He's sustained a few injuries, though none of them fatal. The stab wound wasn't that deep. He's suffering a concussion from the hit to the head, we've given him stitches and pain medications, but he needs his rest. He'll have to stay here for now. I recommend you go home and rest, I'm sure this has been a long night for all of you."

"You girls should go home. I'm sure your parents are worried sick."

"We already called our parents, we told them we were coming late.", Carena told her.

"And I informed mine I would be staying here with Skyler."

"So what happened Georgia?"

"Rosemary.", Ally reprimanded.

"It's alright, Alaska, I'll have to tell the cops anyhow. Jonathan was moving to another city, farther away, Danielle and Skyler were going to college, so when he asked me to go with him I said yes.
I don't know how but Daniel found out, he became enraged and said I was taking his children away. The phone wouldn't stop ringing. In one of the calls, he said he'd come and slit my throat, Johnny's too.

"How hasn't been in jail already, I will never know." Rosemary shook her head.  

"Tonight he came and wouldn't stop banging on my door or window, I was so scared. I couldn't think straight. I called Jonathan, he was still at work, he called the cops, then I called Skyler. I needed to know if they were alright."

"Well, Daniel won't be bothering you anymore. If he does manage to live, he'll get locked up for a long while.", Rosemary told her.

"I could care less about Daniel, my children are the only thing on my mind right now. Rosemary is it alright for Dani to stay over at your place."

"Of course Miss Ace."

Before the three girls left they gave a hug goodbye to Ally and Miss Acee.

"Thank you so much, girls. Sky and Dani are lucky to have friends like you."

They head outside, going to the car where Jonathan was waiting to drive them to the house, there they would grab some clothes and then use the limo to go home. But they found another car there waiting. Inside the car was Charles Coldwell. He got out of the car without turning it off and goes to Carena.

"Hey, your parents told me what happened. Are you alright?"

"Yes, everyone is, sort of."

"Come on, I'll take you back home."

"Alright. I'll be right there."

She goes to Mary and Dani and gives them a goodbye hug. Then goes inside Charles' car and they drive off.
When they get there, Charles parks the car and they sit there in silence for a bit.

"Thank you. I should get going, still need to clean up."

"I have to tell you something. I know this is not the right time, but, I left my wife."

"As in you left her in the hospital?"

"No, I'm divorcing her."

"Oh.", she said in a small voice.

"I want to be with you."

Carena remained silent for a bit.

"You're right, this isn't the right time."

She quickly gets out of the car and starts walking away.
Charles follows behind her.

"Carena, please! I love you! I want to be with you!"

Carena turns around angrily.

"I almost lost two of my friends today! Tonight was supposed to be a fun prom night and it became so chaotic! I don't want to deal with your problems right now. I don't love you the same you say you do. I'm grateful for all you've done for me, but I better not be the only reason you're divorcing her. And this is where the conversation is going to end because I have way more important things going on than some love story!"

She went home, done with tonight.

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