\Chapter treze\ it's prom time

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Prom night finally has arrived. All the teenagers rushed to get ready. Girls curling their hair, boys trying to make a bowtie, parents getting the camera ready.
Perfume, cologne, tuxes, gowns, corsages, limos, going all out for tonight.

After the tenth picture and thirty minutes of her parents telling her to be safe, have fun, and complimenting her, her friends arrived. She gave her parents a kiss goodbye before leaving. She joined Danielle, Ally, and Skyler in the car, and they made their way to the prom.

The girls had decided to wear the dresses they had made. Danielle wore her flower dress, this time accompanied by a long gold bead necklace, her hair was done in a low bun without any type of headband.
Ally had worn her flapper dress with long black gloves and silver jewelry, her hair in her same bob style though now it had a silver headpiece.
Carena only had her golden bird necklace to accompany her burgundy dress, she did her hair in a half up half down bun.
Skyler had actually gotten himself a new blue suit for the occasion.

"It was nice of your mother's boyfriend to lend you his car."

"Yeah, Jonathan is a pretty cool guy. He even said I can have the car when I go to college, I'll just have to pay it off."

"We should keep from talking about stuff like college for the whole evening. Just simply enjoy tonight.", Ally said.

"Taking a page from Rosie's book I see."

"Speaking of Rosemary, remind me why she isn't coming with us.", Carena asked as they got out of the car.

"You know Rosemary, always a drama queen and needs to make a grand entrance."

The group went to the party.
The place was decorated with streamers and colored lights. Kids were already dancing as the band played on the stage. Others were entertaining themselves at the snack bar or sat at one of the tables.
As they were getting drinks, their attention was caught by a girl dressed in a pink dress. She strutted in as if she were a star on the red carpet. 

Carena and her friends couldn't help but smile amusingly at Rosemary's entrance. 

"So what do you think? I look gorgeous don't I?", she asked them as she turned around, showing off her outfit.

She had accompanied her pink dress with a pair of pink gloves and a white fur coat, it resembled Marilyn Monroe's pink outfit in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, though this time Rosemary wore her hair in a low ponytail.

"I would have pictured you to curled your hair."

Rosemary flipped her hair, "It's called an omage, Ally. I'm not going to just be a simple copycat."

Carena pulled her into a side hug, "In any case, you look great Rose. You have Prom Queen in the bag."

She grabs her hand," Thanks, Care. You all look great, too. I mean no one can look as great as me, but you all come pretty close."

As the party continues they dance, laugh, share snacks, drink punch, and sing along to some songs. 
Then finally comes the time Rosemary has been longing for, announcing the Prom Queen. 
She wanted to seem confident, but inside she was nervous, secretly crossing her fingers. Ally, however, noticed her nervousness and held her hand.

"This year's Prom Queen is... Rosemary Biel!"

Rosemary graciously walked on the stage while everyone applauded her victory.
They placed the crown on her head. After that, she walked up to the microphone.

"Thank you every one of you. I could use this time to talk bad about my opponents who've lost. But instead, I want to praise the most important people in the world. Those who've done so much for me and really made these years the best of my life. I also want to invite those people up on stage with me. "

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