/Chapter quattordici/ prom afterparty

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All the laughter, cheers, jokes, and fun were put to an end when the Diner got a call.

"Skyler it's for you?" The person working there told them.

As Skyler answered the phone, they all saw his smiling face turned to one of worry, almost fear.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Ally asked him as he hung up.

"I need to go."

"I will come with you.", she said standing up.

"No! I need to go by myself, it's not safe. Keep Dani with you, please."

"Oh, hell no!" Rosemary declares standing up.

"Rosemary don't-"

"We are your friends, and we stick together. I don't care if it's a fucking demon, we're coming. And you can't stop us."

The girls followed Skyler's car with the limo. It was kind of hard considering it was going way past the speed limit.
After running a few red lights he arrived at his mother's house. The girls are a bit behind him.
His father was there, clearly drunk, and yelling enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.

"Get out here! You think you can just take my kids from me! You stupid bitch! You can't replace me! You hear me! Come out! COME OUT!"

He started throwing stuff at the house.
As each thing hit the house with a loud bang or crash, their mother cried out a yelp.

Skyler rushed to his father and grabbed him by arm, stopping him from throwing anything else.

"Hey dad, just cool it. The cops will be here soon, don't do anything you'll regret."

"And what are you gonna do about it smart guy?" He pushes his son.

"Dad, please, don't make this harder than it has to be."

"What are you, a weak little bitch? I didn't raise no bitch!"

"Okay you're drunk, you-"

His father throws one of his bottles of alcohol at his head, sending him to the ground.

"Skyler!" The girls cried out to him.

His father starts kicking him.
Skyler can't do anything but lay there groaning and crying with every hit given to him.
Memories of times like this replay in his mind.

"Come on get up! Your dad didn't raise a fag! Get up!"

"Leave him alone!"

Danielle runs up to her father and pushes him away from her brother.
Her father is quick to slap her hard enough to make her join her brother on the ground.

"Seems I went wrong with both my kids. Can't have you ending up like your bitch of a mother. We'll just have to fix that won't we?" He pulls out a blade from a pocket.

He kneels and grabs roughly at his daughter's face, making her open her mouth.
She struggles beneath him, trying to get out of his grasp, but it's no use. She starts screaming louder as the blade gets closer to her tongue.

"Let go of her!"

Skyler pushes him up, away from his sister. He holds him up and punches him.
But then his father stabs him with the blade, in the stomach.
Skyler's eyes widen, and his place over the bleeding wound.
His father was going to attack him again but was stopped when a loud bang was heard.

Everyone looked in shock at Ally, who now held a smoking gun. She had shot Skyler's father in the arm, making him let go of his son and fall backward, groaning in pain. She couldn't move, couldn't put the gun down.
Rosemary quickly grabbed the gun and shot the man two more times, one in the leg, the other in the other arm.
Carena and Ally run to Dani and Skyler.
At the same time, Jonathan gets there, quickly getting out of the car.

"Is everyone alright?!"

"We need to take him to a hospital!", Ally cries out.

"The police should be here soon. Does anyone have a rag?"

Carena goes over to the car Skyler had and took out the sweater she brought.

"Will this do?"

"Yes. Now hold this over his wound, the cops and an ambulance will be here soon."

Ally helps him with Skyler, while Rosemary and Carena go inside the house with Dani and try to comfort both her and her mother. As much as they could at least.

The few more minutes it took for the cops and ambulance to get here felt like hours.
When they got here they made sure Skyler was rushed into the ambulance, all of them tried joining him. In the end, Carena and Rosemary followed behind them. Taking the car instead of the limo.

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