/Chapter dos/ tests, trips and hallways

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The classroom was silent, with only the sound of pencils writing and papers moving, kids tapping their feet impatiently, and a few yawns. Kids stared at their paper with worried expressions, others wrote on it with confidence, some were just glancing off to somewhere in their imagination, then there were the ones who just took this time to sleep, while the teacher took this time to catch up in their novel.
All things that could be expected of a test day.

Many of them were anxious for the bell to ring so they could go to the next class. Though this time is not just because they just wanted to get school over with, no, it was because today was the day of the field trip. Field trips are always great, you get a break from school, no test, no cold classrooms, it was a breath of fresh air.

Finally, the bell rings, liberating the kids. They all start gathering their stuff, but the teacher quickly stops them. Giving them a quick lecture of the bell not being above her authority, making the students internally groan.

"Now, make sure you leave your test in my desk and walk out in an orderly fashion. If you don't turn in your test you will stay here to complete it, and if you are attending today's field trip, you won't be allowed to go unless you've completed your test. Now you may start leaving."

When the students finally were outside the door of the classroom they all rushed to their destinations.
The hallways could be one of the most terrifying places in a school, at least to those with anxiety and little friends. The place is packed with students racing to their classrooms, others just pacing, some simply hanging out, then there were the ones who would just stop in the middle of the hallway.
It would be scary diving into a wave of people if you were new. For Carena, it was, until she got a few friends who'd help her get through it.

"Jesus, that woman is scary."

Her friend Rosemary told her as they walked to their lockers. She had beautiful chestnut hair, always in their usual braids, and her honey brown eyes, which were sometimes accompanied by her round sunglasses.

Rosemary was Carena's first friend here. She was filled with confidence and outgoingness. The type of girl who wasn't scared of speaking her mind and didn't care if she was wrong, she was still right. 

I think that's the reason Carena liked her so much. She wanted the same confidence and rebelliousness she had. She was also drawn to those things. She believed they shared some of the same qualities, but not at the same level.

"She's not that bad."

"You only say that because you're a kiss-up."

"I am not!"

Just then, two of their friends joined them, Ally, and Danielle. Ally had pretty black bob hair, sometimes covered by a blue cloche hat, and had dazzling deep brown eyes. Danielle had long silky strawberry blonde hair, she always used a headband to keep it away from her face and had gorgeous grey eyes that needed her white cateye glasses to see.

"Hello Carena, Mary. Are you prepared for the field trip?", Ally asked them.

Ally had been friends with Rosemary since third grade. She and her siblings had been home-schooled by her mother before she ran away with some guy.
She always spoke and acted in a very posh manner, though never went too overboard. And though her exterior didn't show it, she was very much a romantic. She's read every romance story there's been. 

Ally and Carena had bonded over their mutual love of literature and history. Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare are the topic they bonded the most over. They could talk for hours about the newest book they've been reading or their favorite series this week. They could also simply sit in silence for hours, reading a book full of poems or history books.

"Yep, all set.", Rosemary answered for both of them.

Danielle was the baby of the group. She was also the one with the biggest heart. She and Rosemary have known each other since babies.
She's the type of girl who would apologize for you bumping into her. She would also always try to brighten up your day. She's the glass-half-full type of person.

Though it took a while for Carena and Danielle to truly bond. Seeing as Danielle was extremely shy. But they were both the optimistic type of people and they both had such a big sweet tooth. One of the biggest things they bonded over was children, they both loved them.
Though they didn't really need things in common. One of them could talk about one of their favorite topics for hours and the other one would listen intently, even if they didn't also favor that topic.

"Let's go then."

They all start walking to the classroom, chatting on the way.

"I can't wait to go to the city, it's going to be so much fun.", Carena states excitedly.

"I still cannot believe your parents allowed you to stay the whole weekend at Rosemary's parents' home."

"You could've said that with fewer words."

"Oh my dear Rosemary, it is much more dexterous, you wouldn't understand."

The three girls chuckled at Ally's antics.

"Well Care, you might be a kiss-up, but at least you're not uptight like Ally."

Ally only rolled her eyes, already used to Rosemary's comments. They went inside the class and continued chatting until the teacher started talking. He explained what was going to happen during the field trip, and set some rules. When he finished he led the group of students to the bus. The students were quick to choose seats next to their friends.

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