\Chapter tre\ the field trip and a future wedding

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As the bus drove, passing the trees and houses, Carena and her friends talked with glee. Rosemary and Carena sat together while Ally and Danielle sat in the seat behind them. Then, as they talked, a boy jumped into the small space next to Ally.

"What are you chicks talking about? How cool and good-looking I am?"

"Beat it, Skyler. You're such a ding-bat.", Rosemary snaps at him.

Skyler is Danielle's older brother, he had dirty blonde, his grey eyes didn't need glasses and he always wore his letterman jacket.
Skyler and Rosemary have always butted heads. Maybe Rosemary didn't like a boy infiltrating her group.

Skyler was one of the popular boys. The jock that will probably get a football scholarship. The cool boy every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to be with. At least that's what Carena thought of him. But he had shown her that he was much more than just the stereotypical jock. 
He was a kind-hearted person, like his sister. He was smart and funny. Carena and Skyler bonded over mechanisms, they both enjoyed building and fixing things. He had become a big brother to Carena.

"Cool it, Rosie. I just came to spend time with my girlfriend, my little sister, and her friends."

He gave Ally a small kiss.
Danielle looked away, Rosemary rolled her eyes in disgust, while Carena watched with an amused smile.

"So, what are we doing this weekend?"

"Excuse me? I invited my friends, not you. This is a girls' weekend. Besides my parents would never allow you to spend the night." Rosemary flipped her hair at him.

"Didn't Dani tell you? Our dad lives in Gotham, and since we stay with him this weekend..."

"Then you'll have your entire weekend busy."

"I'm actually free, our dad has work on the weekend. Why do you think he let Dani stay with you? Right, Dani?"

"Please just let him hang out with us Rosie. Lord knows what trouble he'll get into if he doesn't come with  us." Dani always spoke with her friends more confidently, not in her usually hushed barely even there voice.

Rosemary sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, you can tag along with us, but just because Dani asked me to. But I'm in charge and the moment you screw up, I'll permanently knock that smile off your face."

"Be careful, Sky. She will keep her word.", Ally warned him.

"Alright, you got yourself a deal."

Finally, they had arrived in the city. As Carena looked all around the city her heartbeat with excitement. The tall buildings, the traffic of cars, the huge amount of people, it was all new and thrilling for Carena.

As the field trip continued, they went to a Museum, Carena's heart was filled with adrenaline.
She loved looking around the museum, the beautiful art and history fascinated her. But she wanted to see more of the city, and she could barely wait till she could.
When the field trip was over the students walked back to the bus, except for the ones whose parents came to pick them up. That included Rosemary and her friends, the girls had given the signed letters their parents wrote giving them permission.

Rosemary's mother came to pick them up in a yellow Chevrolet. She made some small talk, thankfully the drive wasn't long. Soon they had gotten to the apartment, Rosemary immediately dragged them to her room, yelling a simple 'thank you, love you and don't disturb' to her mother.

Rosemary's room was filled with pictures of actresses and movie posters, Marilyn Monroe, Natalie Wood, Elizabeth Taylor, West Side Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Birds, she had a vanity with photos of actresses and her friends, everything was decorated with sequins.
Carena sat on the fuzzy seat by the vanity.

"I have a confession to make."

"You have never cleaned your room?", Ally asks as she looks around the room.

"No. The thing is, I've invited you here for a reason."

"You killed somebody and you want us to help you hide the body."

"Al, sweetie thank you for offering, but no that's not it this time. The thing is, my cousin is getting married and I need you with me so I don't go insane."

"Why would you go insane?"

"Good question, Care. You see, my aunt is rich-"

"Wait, you are rich?"

"Ally stop interrupting me. No, I'm not rich. My aunt married some rich guy, so they're rich. Now my cousin, Jessica-Blake, is marrying some rich guy. They are super pretentious and super judgy, I can't stand them. Their wedding is this Sunday, but this whole weekend there's going to be dinners and stuff like that. I can't do this alone, I need my friends with me."

"Oh mon ami, of course, we'll be there for you."

"Care is right, you're our friend and friends help each other through anything. Just like when you helped me when my parents got divorced." Danielle gives her a warm smile.

"You should have told us sooner, now what will we wear for the wedding?"

"That's already taken care of."

She pulled out some dresses from her closet. They all seemed made of rich material. There were ten dresses in total, each fancy and beautiful. The girls stared at them in awe.

"You did not steal these, did you?"

"Jessica gave them to me, technically. She said how she was planning to throw them out, but she wanted to do some charity and she also didn't want me to look like total trash at her wedding. And some other pretentious shit."

Carena stared at the dresses, not in awe anymore, but almost angrily.

"We shouldn't wear these. When she sees us with her dresses she'll tell everyone, she'll mock you. The nerf of that woman."

"I know, but it's not like we can buy some new dresses. And the only remotely fancy dress I have is the one I wear for church."

Carena looked at the dresses, then an idea came to her.

"Then we'll make them. We can use her dresses as material. Get all... um... what's the word?"

"Creative?", Dani suggested.


"I have a sewing kit at my dad's house."

"We can also use your mother's sewing machine.", Ally told Rosemary.

"What about exploring the city?"

"We'll have enough time for that, besides this is more important, mon cher."

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