PART 2: /Chapter 十六岁 / this is what makes us girls

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Things were never the same after prom night. The only thing that remained was their friendship.
Though even that went away after graduation. Danielle, Skyler, and Ally went off to college, leaving Rosemary and Carena by themselves.
As time passed, it didn't make things easier for both girls. They tried to contact their friends, but their studies always kept them busy. Neither of their dreams was close to coming true.

Carena has long put her dream on a long hold. Her family was her priority now. Her mother's health kept decreasing. And each treatment they managed to raise never seemed to work.

She kept working for Charles even after he divorced Jessica. Carena tried to pretend as if their conversation of that night never happened. But Charles was hard to work with; one time even proposing he'd take care of her mother as long as she accepted. She hated how he did that to her. But she especially hated how there were times she'd consider it.

"If I say yes, then my mother could have a chance to get better. They can live a comfortable life. Besides, Charles is a nice guy, and I might not love him right now, but I do care about him. Maybe my love for him will grow." She tells Rosemary as she spends her break with her.

"Care, for as long as I've known you, you've been a full-blown romantic. Also, we both know your parents would rather you be happy than marry some guy you don't love."

"How can I be happy with my mother dead?"

"If you bothered to tell your mother, she would agree with me. I mean at least she's living the rest of her life with those she LOVES. The best thing you can give her now is you being happy. Even if it means you leaving."

"Rosemary, we've talked about this-"

"I know, I know, but just remember if you ever want to come to California with me, I'd be more than happy to let you."

"I'm happy to still have you, here. I think you might be the only thing keeping me sane."

"I feel the same way.", she tells her as she grabs her hand.

Just months later, Rosemary left for California.
Carena only found out when she went to her place and saw her gone. She raced to the station, she was out of breath when she arrived but managed to get there just before she got on the train.

She pulled her into an air-crushing hug.

"You should've told me. I'm going to miss you so much.", she said in tears.

Rosemary clung to her as well.

"I know, I'm going to miss you too." She took a shaky breath still holding on, "You could always come with me. Runaway together, right now."

Carena lets go of her, she caresses her arm.

"You know I can't, just as much as you can't stay here. Go live your dreams, become the star you were meant to be."

Rosemary gives her a teary nod, she kisses her on the cheek. But before pulling away she whispers something to her ear.

"Don't trust the Coldwells."

Rosemary gives her a teary smile and grabs her bag next to her, ready to get on the train.

"If you're ever in California, look me up."

Carena was left there on the platform, seeing her friend waving goodbye as the train took her away. Leaving her alone.

She was now twenty, soon twenty-one, no contact for a year from Rosemary, barely a quick hello from the rest. The only thing left was her parents. She spent all her time working or with her family, and even though she would never admit it, she was frustrated and tired.
Charles would still keep reminding her of his proposal, and she'd always decline, keeping what Rosemary told her in mind. Though as her mother's health decreased, she became inclined to accept.
Then something unimaginable happened; her father had gotten into an accident while working and had gotten gravely hurt.
Now Carena was the only one who could provide for her family, she knew she would never be able to earn enough to help out either of her parents, let alone both. They had nobody else to take of them either, no family, or friends.

One day Carena found herself visiting a few places.

The train station where she had said goodbye to her last friend that stayed. The now-abandoned house where prom night had ended in such a frightful and unforgettable way.
The hospital where they waited for hours to see if Skyler would survive. The high school, the place she meant her friends.

The Diner, the first real job she had along with her friends and also the place they celebrated with food.
A candy store where they would go each time one of them felt down, like the time Danielle's father found the pamphlet for the school she wanted to go to and ripped it, or when she told them about her mother having cancer, Dani loved the place.
At the movie theater, they'd save up all their spare change until they had enough to buy a ticket there, though sometimes they would simply sneak in. It was Mary's favorite place.

Then there was the library, Carena had found her love for Shakespeare there. All thanks to Ally who loved the library. It was also there where Ally had met Skyler.
His favorite place, however, was a planetarium. He had gone there when he was a kid and his parents were together, they'd surprise him by going there on his birthday. Carena didn't get to go there since it was too far away. 
Instead, she went to another museum, it was filled with a bunch of cool artifacts, pictures, and information of the ages.

Carena always enjoyed learning about the inventions, the different places around the world, and the drawing and pictures.
Going to plays is a close second after museums.
After that she went to the public pool, they would sometimes go there at night, they'd compete for; who could hold their breath the longest, who could swim the deepest, who could swim the longest. And before leaving they'd see who could make the biggest splash.

When she got there it was already night, so just like they used to do, she trespassed into the pool.
She took a deep breath and ran as fast as she could. She landed in the pool with a big splash and sunk to the bottom of the pool. She got back up to the surface wishing that she'd find her friends about to go next, but they weren't there.
She only found the darkness of the night, surrounding her.

When she saw the emptiness she finally realized that there was no more candy, movies, or long conversations. No more milkshakes, and sneaking into places. No more games, no more adventures, and no more light.
She sank back down the pool and let out a scream.
When she was done she let her body float up. She didn't want to go, she wanted to become part of the water, to longer have to deal with all the problems life has given her. She just wanted to float there and stare at the stars, forever. But she knew it was time to grow up.

The last place she went to was the park, where she had met Charles Coldwell the fourth. She looked at the fountain, she wished she had a coin, maybe she could wish her problems away. But it was not meant to be.

It was four in the morning when Charles heard a knock at his door. He opened it to find a soaking wet Carena.

"Carena? What-"

"I will marry you."


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