/Chapter エイティーン/ hear the wedding bells

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Carena never met her grandparents; at least, not at an age she could remember. Her mother never talked about her parents. Ans her father only told her, his parents had kicked him out when they found out my mother was pregnant and both of their parents shunned them since they weren't married. 
Carena's great-grandmother was the only one that stuck up for them.
She did spend a lot of time in her care, they'd call her Mamie Berthe. She had helped them out a lot, she was the one who helped them come to America and get a job. Sadly she died when she was fifteen. 

She remembers how she'd teach her how to make music boxes and clocks, her mother's family worked in carpentry. And she was the one who'd sing to her many songs and taught her to play a few instruments. 
Carena has her in mind now more than ever, wishing she could be here to sing her a comforting melody. Sadly the only music she had was the ones of wedding bells, and they weren't comforting. 

Instead of feeling happy and butterflies, she felt anguish, as if she is walking to her death. With the bells taunting her. 
Carena stared at her reflection, it saddens her, not seeing herself.

The past month Eugenia Coldwell had molded her into this prestigious woman, only allowing her to keep two names, denouncing her parents.
Each day had felt like an eternity, it had been as if she was in hell, learning her role until finally, Eugenia molded her into the perfect doll, or at least perfect enough for others to see. She picked, broke, and took away every part of Carena Beauport that could be seen until there was no more. The only part that could be seen was that of Amelia Coldwell.

And it was Amelia Coldwell who stared back at her. The only thing that was left was to make it official.

A single tear fell from Carena's face.
The door opened and she quickly wiped it away. She turned to find her parents in their wheelchairs. Her mother wore a hat to cover her shaved head but was still as beautiful as ever. Her father wore a suit and one of his hats. Both looked sick and tired but with giant smiles.
A real smile grew on her face when she saw them. She hugged them with tears coming from her eyes.
She hadn't seen them in a while, she almost thought she'd never see them again.

"Je suis désolée maman, je l'ai fait pour toi." [I'm so sorry mom, I did it for you.]

Her mother held her face up, wiping away her tears.

"Je sais, et je vous aime. C'est bon, je suis désolé. J'aurais aimé t'offrir une vie meilleure, une vie remplie de bonheur, pas d'inquiétude." [I know, and I love you. It's okay, I'm sorry. I wish I could have given you a better life, a life filled with happiness, not worry.]

"Toi et papa êtes mon bonheur." [You and dad are my happiness.]

Her mother took something out of her purse, it was a music box. It was decorated with a very intricate design. She opened it to show more intricate designs and a man and woman in the middle.

"C'était ma mère, et grand-mère et arrière-grand-mère, en remontant les générations. Il a été donné à la première fille le jour de son mariage. J'aimerais que ce soit un mariage différent, mais tu le mérites plus que jamais." [It was my mother's, and grandmother's, and great-grandmother's, going back generations. It was given to the first daughter on the her wedding day. I wish it was a different wedding, but you deserve it now more than ever.]

She handed her the music box, then took out the key, it hung on a necklace. Before handing it over she took hold of her hand.

"Vous n'avez pas à aller de l'avant avec cela. Tu pourrais aller voir le monde, trouver l'amour, vivre ta vie. Nous avons vécu les nôtres, vous n'avez pas besoin de nous donner les vôtres." [You don't have to go through with this. You could go and see the world, find real love, live your life. We've lived ours, you don't need to give us yours.]

"Je ne pourrais pas vivre ma vie sans toi." [I couldn't live my life without you in it.]

Her mother gave her a nod and handed her the necklace. 

"Maintenant que votre mère vous a donné son cadeau, j'ai aussi quelque chose pour vous." [Now that your mother has given you her gift, I also have something for you.]

He took off his wedding band, their wedding rings were silver with three gems, one blue, one pink, and one purple.

 "Je sais que je ne peux pas t'accompagner à l'autel, mais je veux que tu aies quelque chose à moi. De cette façon, je peux toujours être avec vous." [I know I can't walk you down the aisle, but I want you to have something of mine. That way I can still be with you.]

"Je ne devrais pas." [I shouldn't.]

"Absurdité. Vous devez, et vous. Et la prochaine fois qu'on se verra, je serai mieux et tu me le rendras." [Nonsense. You must, and you will. And next time we see each other, I'll be better and you'll give it back to me.]

She took the ring and put it on the necklace chain. After putting it on she hugged them one last time.

"Je t'aime tellement." [I love you both so much.]

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