\Chapter tjueen\ baby=happiness...?

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Children, the most treasured and wanted thing in a woman's life, especially if she's a married woman.
At least that's what they all say. They tell you how wonderful it is to be a mother, and make it seem as if you're not living if you don't have one. They skip the whole crying, pooping, and saying goodbye to your dreams because you'll never be able to sleep again.
Maybe they just don't want to be the only ones to have to deal with children or maybe it's because they were also told the same things. 

Children are also seen as they could fix a marriage, make someone stay, and make them happier. Which is a huge misconception. 
Carena had heard all those sorts of things.

For the past two months, all she heard from all the upper-class wives and her mother-in-law, was how much a child is a total must in a marriage, how she'll be so happy, and how much a child fulfills your life. They never stop pestering her with it.
It's like they're realtors, pressuring you to buy, to be part of such a wonderful investment.

The only one who wouldn't was Martha Wayne, who also didn't have children. She was the only one that Carena could enjoy being around for hours.

Carena had never actually wanted children, at least not of her own.
Her mother had gotten pregnant at a young age, and it had caused quite a commotion. Though it wasn't because of that, that she didn't want children. She was always proud of her mother and how she was able to handle her pregnancy.

She simply wanted to live her life and adopt children, who required love and a good home, when she knew she was ready. Of course, that was when she thought she was going to travel and see the world. Not just after having gotten married.

So when she found out she was pregnant, she didn't know how to react.

After all, it wasn't a horrible thing, her dreams were already dead, and Charles would be so happy. All the other women had told her how magical it is to be a mother. Maybe this is the thing she's been waiting for, maybe she'll finally be happy.
Children are always good news. 

But she continues to just sit there, emotionless.

Shouldn't she be running to tell her husband the wonderful news? Shouldn't she be screaming to the whole world that she's expecting?
Is she a bad person for not doing so?  Is it bad all the doubt she has? 

She takes a deep breath.

Doesn't she want to be happy? Does she not want a child? If she doesn't shouldn't she be angry or sad? 

She continues to sit there and stare at the test.

She should show some emotion at least. Finding out news as big as being pregnant demands some emotion, doesn't it?

But she just puts the test away and continues with her day.

That night, she, Charles, and Eugenia ate in silence, as usual. But the silence was interrupted by her.

"I have grand news to tell you, Charles."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait until after dinner. "

"Mother, please.", Charles then looks back at her, "What is it, dear?"

"I'm pregnant.", she says with a gentle smile.

Was this another nail on her coffin?  

Or another light in her new life?

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