\Chapter sebelas\ an offer

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Prom night was getting closer, and after getting the results back from the doctor, Carena was sure she wasn't going to be attending. The price of the treatments was so high, that at this point she wasn't even sure she'd be attending college.
It pained her to see her parents in such distress.
Her father tried to keep her mother comfortable and calm, always reassuring her that everything would be fine. But she could see how badly the situation was affecting him too. She knew the smile he kept wasn't as real as it used to be.

She was working an extra shift at the diner when Charles walked in.

"If you're here to give me your money like I'm a charity then-"

He raised his hands, "That's not what I came here to do."

"Well then, what can I get you?"

"Just a coffee."

She pulled out a coffee mug and grabbed the coffee jug, after pouring the coffee she places the mug in front of him.
He takes a sip from the coffee before talking again.

"I also came here to talk to you about something."

"Fine. But make it quick, I need to work."

"I want to offer you a job. One with good pay, way better than this one."

"Are you serious?"

"As I said, I want to help you."

Carena was shocked but intrigued.

"And what exactly do I have to do?"

"It's mostly cleaning, folding laundry, kind of being my assistant. Don't worry it's not that much hard work. You will also have to come live with me."

Carena shook her head in disbelief, "I don't know what to say."

"A thank you would be nice."

"I can't just leave my parents behind."

"You won't have to. I'll also get them jobs in our household. Your mother will get an easy job, one that won't require draining work."

Carena stayed silent for a moment before jumping over the counter and pulling him into a tight hug.

"Merci, so much. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."

"So that's a yes?"

"I need to run it by my parents first, but I'll call you the minute I get their answer."

That night Carena told her parents of Charles' offer.
Needless to say, they were shocked and also unsure. Her mother didn't think they should accept his help, not believing they should accept anyone's help with their dilemma.
In the end, they told her she'd have to wait for their answer, needing to discuss it between themselves first.

Carena wanted to cry; she hated her mother's stubbornness and also hating that she caused her any discomfort. She felt like she let her mother down but also wished for once her mother could trust her. She was eighteen now and she still didn't have confidence in her. After all, she's been really hard to help out her family, and it just felt like it was all going unappreciated. 

A while later her father came to her room. He sat down next to her on her bed. He waited a minute before he talked. 

"Ne te fâche pas contre ta mère, elle est trop protectrice, c'est comme ça qu'elle montre son amour. Elle est aussi fière et a la tête dure, un peu comme sa fille."  [Don't get to angry at your mother, she's just overprotective, it's how she shows her love. She's also prideful and hard-headed, much like her daughter.]

"J'essayais juste d'aider. Et si c'était Charles. I swear."  [I was just trying to help. And so was Charles.]

"Je sais que vous avez été. Et votre mère aussi." [I know you were. And your mother does too.] He gently pats her hair.

Carena sits up on her bed.

"Nous sommes juste inquiets que cet homme ait d'autres intentions." [We're just worried that this man has other intentions.]

Carena is about to protest, but her father holds out his hand to stop.

"Je veux juste te demander, tu lui fais confiance?" [I just want to ask you, do you trust him?]

"Yes. Je ne. C'est mon ami, il ne ferait jamais rien pour me blesser." [I do. He's my friend, he would never do anything to hurt me.]

"Alors, c'est décidé. Vous pouvez dire à votre ami, notre réponse est oui." [Then it's decided. You can tell your friend our answer is yes.]

"Vraiment?" [Really?]

"Bien sûr, ma caille, ta mère et moi avons plus confiance en toi que tu ne le penses. Rappelez-vous toujours que." [Of course, *word of endearment*, both me and your mother trust you more than you think. Always remember that.]

He places a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

The next morning she happily told Charles her parents' answer.

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