Newspaper Club Part 2

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As soon as classes were over Nao tracked down Akemi, despite everything he learned about his older brother and her older sister they still considered each other friends. As friends, Nao had asked Akemi if she could pick up Chihiro after school today and watch her for a few hours while he went on a mission. Because even though they were still friends he didn't want to hurt her by asking her more about Madoka's and Kiyoko's relationship.

He wants to know the full extent of their relationship so he can hopefully understand what happened to Madoka while he was gone and hopefully figure out where he is now because the way things were going with his dance group and the competition and with his company back in South Korea he was going to have to make choices soon and those choices would affect his families lives and possibly the lives of his friends.

As Nao handed off his bag of snacks, activities and extra clothes for Chihiro off to Akemi he had to fight the urge to ask her about her older sister. He knew if he just waited a little bit longer he would get the answers to his questions soon.


Nao stood outside leaning against the wall by The Newspaper Club's door as he waited for Kyoya to come back out. Once he did, they started walking down the hallway together towards the entrance of the school where they would meet Honey and Mori before going their separate ways. But before that Nao needed to talk to Kyoya alone and now was the only time to do so.

"You know they're up to something right?" Nao said, arms putting his hands in his hoodie and keeping his gaze forward. "I'm well aware of their intentions and yours." Kyoya said, keeping his head facing forward but looking at Nao from the corner of his eyes.

Nao turned his head left to face Kyoya with an annoyed look on his face, "Akemi can watch Chihiro for me while you guys do whatever Tamaki wants to do tomorrow to help The Gossip Club all I need is time. I know you and Tamki know where Madoka is and I know you won't give me a straight answer. That's fine I've accepted that but he's still my brother and I need to know what happened to him while I was gone and why everyone thinks he's a killer."

Nao stopped walking and turned to face Kyoya fully. Kyoya took a few more steps before stopping and turning back to face him. "I already know he was dating Akemi's older sister and that they were planning to get married and that she was pregnant. What I don't know is what happened to her. If her dying is the reason Madoka is the way he is now I need to know. Madoka was an annoying ass before I left but he was never this bad. He was never leaving Chihiro alone, drinking, partying like he's some frat guy. He was a decent guy before and him wanting to marry or still wanting to marry Kiyoko after her pregnancy came out just proves that. The Newspaper Club will have those answers I need and I can only go in there when they are gone. Distracted by the Host Club and their anitcs."

They stood there a few more minutes before Kyoya smirked and turned around continuing to walk to the entrance of the school, "I was going to say it's a bad idea to have you around tomorrow because of your brother and everyone being reminded of Kiyoko when your family's name is mentioned but your reasoning works too."

Nao stood there stunned and silent as he walked Kyoya out of the school. He clicked his tongue and shook his head in annoyance before following Kyoya to meet Mori and Honey.

End Flashback

"-- okay?"

Nao blinked slowly as he came back from thinking about yesterday's events. He looked down to see Akemi and Chihiro staring at him with concern. Well Akemi with concern and Chihiro was looking more at the Hello Kitty bag he was holding that she knew held snacks in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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