Reveal your sincerity

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Nao sighed as he fixed the wig and purple headband on Chihiro which was proving hard to do considering Chihiro kept trying to dance. "Chihiro since you refuse to have your hair cut like the other three I need you too hold still so I can get these on you. I'll make your favorite dinner tonight if you do." Chihiro instantly stopped moving hearing Nao's promise.

Naro smiled slightly he had already planned on making her favorite tonight but he was glad he could use it as leverage. He finished putting on the wig and head piece before turning Chihiro around to look at her. He fixed her purple tutu and made sure her shoes were on right before leading her back to the other three girls. Nao wanted to laugh considering Chihiro was the smallest of the group and definitely has the most energy and seeing her next to the three slightly older girls seemed funny to him.

He waited behind a camera and stood next to the store owner as the store owner's granddaughter talked to the four kids. The store owner turned to Nao with a smile on his ageing face. "I want to thank you again Nao for doing this for me and my granddaughter."

Nao turned to the older man and shook his head smiling back to him. "Don't worry about it. Chihiro wouldn't have let me say no even if I wanted to. She loves to dance and wants to become a star for dancing and if she heard I turned down a chance to let her do so I'm pretty sure she would never talk to me again. Plus I owe you for what you did back then."

The older man laughed. "Sounds like my daughter. She wanted to be a vet she would bring home all sorts of injured animals demanding we either help her save them or take them to the vet. That was when the store was doing good as time went on we had no choice to let her fix the animals herself." He sighed, "Sadly I didn't do enough."

Nao shook his head, "You did what you could and we couldn't have asked for more. I was a kid then so I didn't understand how hard me and my mom had it. I gave you a lot of hell and you were the only one willing to help us...besides I don't want to get payed off of Chihiros happiness. When she's older she can get payed for her talent but for now I want her to live happy. Money won't make her happy, friends, family and dancing will make her happy."

The older man pats Nao on the back once before saying his goodbyes and going back to running his store. Nao watched the old man leave silently before turning his attention back to Chihiro and what was happening. He smiled seeing Chihiro talk happily with the other girls before the old man's granddaughter told them to get into place and started the music.

Nao put Chihiros vegetable clothes in her bag as she chatted away with the other girls. Once he had managed to get the clothes into the bag without breaking her headband he picked up the bag and walked over to Chihiro. He saw the other girls mothers coming over so he waited until the left before he directed Chihiro to grab one of the kid carts so they could go shopping.

While she ran off to do that Nao looked toward an asiae, "Still following her around are you Ryoji?"  Ryoji 'Ranka' Fujioka popped out from behind the aisle along with the Host Club."Haruhi hasn't figured out we're here yet. How did you know?" Tamaki asked confused.

Nao rolled his eyes and stated that if you want to hide you shouldn't have the biggest member of your stalking club hiding in the smallest place he could find. While Nao kept his finger pointed at Mori who was hiding behind a table of baked goods, Tamaki stared up with questions wondering how Nao knew Ranka before he did.

"He was blocking my candy." Nao said boredly with a blank look on his face. His answer seemed to only confuse the blonde and his minions more because Nao sighed and started to explain what he meant.

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