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After Host Club while everyone is leaving.

"Why did Nao leave Chihiro here??" Haruhi asked giving a confused look to the younger girl. Honey who looked over to Chihiro who was sitting alone and coloring then smiled brightly to Haruhi,

"Nao said he was going to be busy this weekend and asked if she could stay with us."
"Why doesn't"

"Madoka watch her?" The twins said appearing like wild pokemon behind Haruhi

"Because Madoka is also busy." Kyouya said walking past the group writing in his note book of horrors.

"You know Madoka has hardly been around since Nao moved back. I wonder if something is wrong..maybe we should ask him." Haruhi said up in thought. 

 As soon as Haruhi mentioned talking to the absent Madoka, Tamaki and Kyouya looked to each other and Tamaki quickly ran to Haruhi and lifted her out of her seat. He started to spin her around and rant about his beautiful daughter and how it was cute seeing her concerned about his enemy. Kyoya watched Tamaki for a while before grabbing his phone from his pocket and walking into the backroom calling someone.

Nao glared at the four people in front of him while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as Ryusaki angrily threw his water bottle at the practice room wall.

"How could you do this to us?! I thought we were friends! I thought we were a family!"

"We are Ryusaki...it's just...we need more money and dancing isn't helping us...we hardly have any jobs and when we do it's for little kids that don't understand the song or want us to do some silly kid song...we're tired of it. We can't wait forever" Suzuki said standing in front of the other three ex-members.

"The contest is in a few months you can't just hold on until then?! We need you, Seyama needs you! We will win the contest and Seyama can have her surgery. You can't leave just like that!"

"it's too late Ryusaki, we've made up our minds. We will still be your friends and still cheer you on...but from the side lines..." Sumiko said walking forward and standing next to Suzuki.

"Leave..." Nao said standing up straight and walking to stand in front of the four,

"If you really can't be here anymore then leave. We don't need people that will just hold us back..."

Sumiko nodded and grabbed her bag walking out the door with the other three following. Ryusaki sighed and kept his head down,

"So what do we do Now?" Nao asked looking over to Ryusaki who shook his head.

"We have no choice...we have to go to him..."

"Wait Him as in..."

"Yeah...my brother."

Nao sighed as he leaned against the back wall of a white room while watching three people dance in front of him and watching one person sit behind the camera that acted and looked kind of like Honey. Ryusaki nudged Nao hearing him sigh again and glared at him,

"Shut up Nao."

Nao glared back at him and pointed to the blonde,

"I will after you tell me who these people are. Starting with the creepily familiar blonde."

"That's Maki Souta but when he's wearing that cosplay he's Tatsuki Sakakibara. The stuffed bunny he always has with him is Constantine...it literally has a mind of it's own. The guy with black hair dancing is my brothers husband Kyo Yamauchi or Bak Witt." Ryusaki said pointing to the blonde then to the black haired guy.

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