Bio Chihiro "ChiChi" Yoshida

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Name:  Chihiro "ChiChi" Yoshida

Chihiro was born into a poor lifestyle.

She is very smart for her age but rarely shows it.

She doesn't talk to people she doesn't know and will use short words to tell people what she wants.

She always has a stuffed batman doll Nao made her before he left.


Teru Yoshida – Father - Alive
Imari Yoshida – Mother - Recently deceased 
Nao Yoshida – Adopted Brother – Alive
Madoka Yoshida - Brother – Alive


Chihiro has been an over achiever since she was born walking and talking at a young age that when she started preschool she jumped a grade and joined classes with the older kids. When Nao left Chihiro barley talked and started to keep to herself always playing in Nao's half of his and Madoka's room.

She knew her mom was sick but never knew how sick, when she died Chihiro stopped talking to everyone and used only short words and pointing. She also stopped playing with her few friends and started to ignore everyone at school always playing by herself or eating by herself.

She always walks to the host club by herself and ignores the looks and stares she gets from the other older students. She will usually wait in the back room till Madoka is done and will often talk to her doll or drawl on the floors.

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