I know I do

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When Nao got up that morning he was hoping it would be a normal day. A day without the Host Clubs stupid antics, a day not having to reassure Chihiro that Madoka was alright. A normal day like most kids have. But Nao knew that none of that was going to happen because since moving back home his life has been anything but normal.

Nao groaned and slowly got up from his desk, after spending half the night writing lyrics to keep his mind off of things he was tired. He looked around his room and sighed seeing how empty it was without Madoka around. He knows he should trust Kyouya and Tamaki but he still couldnt help but worry about Madoka. Despite all the harsh things he said about him he still cares for him.

Nao clicked his tongue and looked away. It was a habit he had started to develop, mostly because of all the embarrassing and depressing moments that had happened that last few months since coming home.

He quickly changed and walked into his living room to make breakfast but was meet with a surprise. Chihiro who was already dressed was sitting at the coffee table watching tv and eating cereal. Nao stared at her a few minutes before walking over to her and sitting behind her. He grabbed the brush from the table and brushed her hair, "You got breakfast for yourself? When did you start doing that? Did Seyama show you how?"

Chihiro nodded happily and continued to watch Anpanman. Nao smiled slightly, he was happy about Chihiro. Being around Seyama and Honey had opened her up. She's been talking more than one words and seems to be more outgoing from what he saw the few times Nao picked Chihiro up after the Host Club she was always with a few other students from her school. They were either playing Tag, Hide and Seek or just talking.

She was making friends and Nao wouldn't have to worry about her as much. Nao put the brush down and patted Chihiros back. "We gotta get going ChiChi. I have to stop at the post office and send off some things before school."

Chihiro looked up at Nao and pouted. Nao laughed and shook his head, "I deal with Honey all day. Do you really think your puppy dog look will get to me? When you get better than Honey try again okay. Plus don't you want to continue to watch Anpanman? You can't do that if I don't pay the bills." Chihiro thought Nao's words over before quickly getting up putting her hat on and grabbing her bag. She grabbed Nao's hand and lead him to the door she threw his shoes by his feet before getting hers on. Nao laughed again at Chihiro's enthusiasm and got his shoes on and grabbed his bag. He opened the door after grabbing Chihiros hand before walking out the door.

"We are the members of St. Lobelia academy's white lily league, also known as-"

"The two faced bitches club. Considering the club is filled with nothing but two faced bitches. Who happen to be quite good at stealing other school's ideas." The Zuka Club and the Host Club with the exception of Nao all turned their heads to face the Ars Manga group. Ryouichi held his smirk as he walked closer to the clubs, "The only reason I say this is because I'm pretty sure your club stole Azabu High School's own 'zuka club' idea and never gave them any credit."

It was at this point in time that Renge decided to pop up for whatever reasons,

"You shouldn't underestimate the Zuka club. I may not know much about instant coffee, but I'm fascinated with girls' schools. St. Lobelia academy, it is truly a woman's world there. The Zuka club is a group of strong young maidens who consider women to be superior in every way. The club prides itself on its 30 year history. It's a society of-"

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