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A click and a giggle was heard by Nao as he groaned and hugged a plush and fluffy item closer to him. After a few seconds of pure quiet Nao sighed and tried to go back to sleep only to have the air leave him as Chihiro jumped on him.

"Wake!" Chihiro yelled as she jumped around him on the bed.

Nao groaned and opened his eyes looking down at the stuffed Rabbit doll he was holding. Nao groaned again and threw the doll at Chihiro, who grabbed the doll and continued to jump.

"Chihiro go to sleep or else." Nao said tiredly watching her jump.

"Else?" Chihiro said still jumping.

"Or else the jumping monster will get you." Nao said sitting up.

"Monster?" Chihiro asked stopping her jumping.

"Yea the jumping monster didn't Doka tell you about him?" Nao asked while pretending to be surprised at Chihiro who just nodded her head no.

"Okay well the jumping monster gets mad when little children jump on the bed because they could brake something or hurt themselves so what he does is he waits until the kid is least expecting it and jumps out to get them." Nao said leaning closer to Chihiro.

"ChiChi did you see that?" Nao asked looking and pointing behind Chihiro.

"The jumping monster is coming you better not jump on the bed."

Chihiro looked around the turned back to Nao and glared at him,

"Liar" She said pointing at him and standing up.

"I'm not lying Chihiro. Keep jumping and he will get you." Nao said sitting back up.

Chihiro kept glaring at Nao then started to slowly jump, she stopped and looked around before jumping more and higher. Nao watched her jump and smirked right as Chihiro hit the bed Nao jumped over to her and grabbed her. Chihiro screamed as Nao stood up holding her upside down, Nao laughed and walked out of her room and down the hallway swinging her upside down. When they got to the living room they were met with a confused and annoyed Madoka wearing his school uniform and shouldering his back bag.

"I'd like to be on time if that's alright with you." Madoka said glaring at them. Chihiro looked up at Nao who was looking down at her, Nao shrugged and slowly put Chihiro on the ground.

"You have ten minutes then I'm leaving, and you will have to find your own way to school."

Chihiro quickly stood up and ran to her room to change into her red uniform. Nao walked to the front door where Madoka left his bags and grabbed some clothes, then walked quickly to his old room and changed. Nao then walked out of his room and back to his bags where he grabbed the smallest one his back bag and checked to see if his practice clothes where in there. After confirming his clothes another random items where in the bag he put his shoes on and waited for Chihiro. When Chihiro came out she grabbed her bag and Nao's hand, Madoka nodded and walked out the front door leading Nao and Chihiro to school.

After dropping Chihiro off Madoka and Nao walked quietly to their school, Madoka led Nao to the attendance office then left him. Once Nao got his schedule and a map he headed towards the room that was going to be his temporary morning classes.

While walking down the hallway Nao kept his head down and avoided the people around him trying his best not to touch any of them. When Nao reached the room he quickly opened the door and ran inside closing and locking it behind him, he then took a couple of minutes to calm down. After calming down he walked to a plug on the left wall and started to take out the contents of his school bag, he then plugged in his laptop, phone charger and set up his video camera. Nao sighed as he realized his tripod was in his other bag at home, he looked around and noticed some tables and chairs pushed up against a wall he walked over, grabbed a small rounded table and brought it back to his stuff; He set his camera on it then turned it on. Nao then moved to his laptop and opened the requirement list he was sent by a TS ENT manager, As long as he sent videos of these dances while he was here he could practically do what he wanted.  Nao sighed and grabbed his practice clothes then he got up and walked to the door but stopped. No one was in the room and the door was locked, he rolled his eyes and his stupidness and decided to change his clothes in the room.

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