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Nao was almost happy and sad he missed the few weeks of school and host club duties. Chihiro was too sick to leave alone not that he would have done it and Haruhi's father wasn't able to come watch her at his house during that week. So he had no option but to skip school and take care of his ill sister himself. Not that he was upset, he got to clean the house, write some new songs and even gotta talk to some of his old friends in South Korea.

Then when she got better he had to fly back to Korea, his company wanted to physically see what he was learning at Ouran Academy and to talk to him about possibly debuting solo or with a group. During that time he took Chihiro around and showed her the places he loved about Korea and introduced her to his friends.

He had just gotten back that Friday Night and went to Haruhi's house to get his house keys back from her father. When he heard about the adventures they had while he was away, from getting Nekozawa and his sister together, to Honey's horrible bitter three days because of a cavity, Nao heard it all. He even heard about Haruhi's Wonderland, Nao wanted to be upset that he wasn't in her dream but he couldn't, he understood that out of all of the Host Club members Haruhi and Nao weren't that close at all. He didn't have a deep emotional connection to her that the others gained over the last few months.

He remembered her faintly from his childhood and her dad adored Chihiro but other then the Host Club and them both being poor they didn't have anything in common. He still had to have his deep moment with her and even the others.

But still he missed the Host Club and their antics, he missed Tamaki and the Hitachiin Twins getting into trouble almost daily if not weekly. He missed Kyoya's sneaky ways of somehow constantly adding money to his debt but never going over what would be Nao's graduation day so he wouldn't have to work for the Host Club even after he graduated. He even asked Kyoya once how he decided to take money away from Nao's debt and where the money went but Kyoya just told Nao that it went to future investments and left it at that.

Most of all he missed Mori and Honey. Honey who would keep Chihiro happy, and share his sweets with her. He was like the Big brother they both needed mainly Chihiro, and Mori the silent giant that Nao was growing a emotional attachment to. Mori who Nao was starting to think he might actually like more than a stupid school crush. Nao thought about it a lot after the beach and the moment he almost told Mori his feelings. He decided after that it was just a school crush and that he should thank the gods more often for the interruption in his confession that gave him an out.

But as the weeks went by Naos feelings continued to grow towards the senior. Nao had dated only two people before, one a girl from his middle school days and one a boy from when he was first training in South Korea. The last relationship they kept it hidden for many reasons, when they were out in public Nao and his ex didn't do couple things. They didn't really do couple things ever even in their own apartment. The more he thought about it the more he realized he didn't have a actual adult relationship before. His feelings then became conflicted and he started to think that maybe he didn't like Mori at all. That it was all just a heat of the moment thing, that was a huge reason why he was happy to go back to South Korea. He saw his friends again and they helped him sort through his feelings for Mori and helped him prepare for what could happen if a relationship did start between the two and for the possible rejection and embarrassment.

That was what also promoted Nao to decide in a bastardized will that if he had to go away again or if something happened to him, he would ask Honey and Mori to watch Chihiro. He loved Haruhi and her father Ryoji "Ranka" as much as he could given the fact that he hardly knew her but they were good for weeks maybe months away trips not the year or so he may be needing sometime soon.

Mori and Honey would be good for her, she could hang out with Honey having fun, opening up and learning how to be a kid while Mori would make sure she eats her food, goes to bed on time and keeps her grades up. They both would protect her to, if a issue arises they both have the means and resources to protect her.

Nao thought about a lot of things in the month or so he was gone. So he was happy for the distractions from catching up with his school work and even more happy that he got to go to the Host Club today. The distractions from their wild antics would hopefully be enough to distract him from having to talk to Mori too much.

Only Nao forgot something while he was away the Host Clubs antics get wilder and wilder each time.

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