Fun in the Sun Part 2

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While the centipede slowly made his way off of Naos head, the host club members and their guests stood around Nao still giving him strange looks some with concern other with curiosity.

Haruhi still unaffected by anything that happened around her since meeting the host club grabbed the centipede again and threw it to the rocks. After doing that the guests of the Host Club surrounded Haruhi showering her with praises, while the king, his devilish jokers and the lollita boy stood next to him talking about weather or not Haruhi has a fear. 

Mori had noticed who the person was and walked over to him, he kneeled down just as Nao lifted himself up from the sand. Nao sat back and checked his hair for the centipede, Mori smiled slightly and pointed to Haruhi.

"Haruhi took care of it." Nao was startled by the older males sudden voice and jumped slightly, he looked up at Mori then to Haruhi who still had fan girls around her. Nao slowly pulled his hands away from his head and crossed his arms.

"You know I'm not afraid of bugs right...It just...attacked me...and I was caught off guard."  

Mori raised an eyebrow not believe Nao's story and Nao sighed blushing slightly,

"Yeah that sounded really stupid."

While Nao was having a mostly one sided conversation with Mori a few feet away the rest of the host club were talking about a new game.

"But that game sounds terrible."  Tamaki said with a crap in his hands and giving the twins a slightly scared look.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Besides she'd only share her weakness with someone she was really close to." The twins said turning their backs to the king and walking away slowly taunting him.

"What are the rules?" Tamaki asked the devil duo with determination in his eyes.

"Now that's more like it. The deadline is sunset tomorrow." Hikaru said looking from his twin to Tamaki. "Whoever finds out her weakness first wins." Karou finished.

"And I have the perfect prize for the game's lucky winner." Kyouya said from behind Tamaki with the sun glinting menacingly off his glasses and holding up pictures of Haruhi.

"How about we make it more interesting!" A voice said from behind Kyouya. Kyouya turned around and glared slightly.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

Ryouichi smirked with his arms crossed, "We know for a fact that Nao wouldn't willingly join this game since he isn't as interested in Haruhi as the rest of you are...or claim to be." Ryouichi said looking from Kyouya to Mori who had joined the group per the request of Honey which forced Nao to talk to Haruhi and convince the other girls to give 'him' some space.

"You all want to be closer to Nao this is your only chance because after today Nao's life will start to change and by the end of the school year...he might be gone and you all will never get your answers from him. So on top of finding Haruhi's weakness I suggest you try to find Nao's. His weakness is the one thing holding him back from apologizing, getting closer to you guys and accepting his feelings."

The Host Club members thought it over before agreeing, Kyouya nodded and pushed his glasses up his nose higher giving off another menacing glare, "Fine, answer two things first what will be the prize for finding Nao's weakness?  and How do you know all this about Nao?"

Ryouichi laughs and turns away from the group, "One That's for me and the winner to talk about. Two...I'm the person pushing Nao to do what he wants to do what makes him happy. Our group has a competition and I signed Nao up for the solo part...if he wins, it will be because I pushed him. I know Nao better than any of you and that's only because he's like a brother to me. He might hate me once he finds out what the winner gets but I've already accepted it. "

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