Bio Madoka "Doka" Yoshida

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Name:  Madoka "Doka" Yoshida
Madoka always got what he wanted from the day he was born because of his father's position and ties to questionable and rich families.
Madoka was enrolled into Ouran Preschool and has been in the Ouran school system since.
Madoka has always been popular and well liked because of his many roles in school activities and his many previous girlfriends.
Madoka worked hard to keep his status after his father left cashing in favors and mooching off of his current girlfriends.
Teru Yoshida – Father - Alive
Imari Yoshida – Mother - Recently deceased 
Nao Yoshida – Adopted Brother – Alive
Chihiro Yoshida – Sister - Alive
Madoka was always around his father when he was younger going to work with him and with him on ride along.  Teru used his connections to get Madoka into the Ouran School system to better his career and family status. Teru also got him into sports and other activities as soon as he was old enough. Madoka's mother made sure that even though they had money that he should never forget the poor, making him volunteer with her when he wasn't doing anything and donating his clothes and games when he was finished with him. Teru was always angry with Imari for making him do these things but never stopped her.
When Teru left them he followed his father to his new house and broke his car windows. After Imari got sick for the last time he started to give half of his mooching money to his mom telling her he got a job. When Nao left Madoka continued on with his life and got Chihiro enrolled into the Ouran system so he could watch over her and protect her.
Madoka hated the Ouran Host Club originally because of his ongoing battle with Kyoya and Tamaki over Activities and popularity. When Tamaki first approached Madoka about joining the Host Club he laughed in his face telling him that he would never join an idiotic club with no real value or purpose, and that it would look bad on his status. But when walking home a few days later Kyoya met with Madoka to ask him to reconsider Tamaki's offer considering the information he has on Madoka, because Madoka had to pick up Chihiro at a certain time and the host cub went over that time he started to have Chihiro walk to the high school and wait for him either outside of the room or in a storage room in the back of the host club.
When Madoka's mother died he sent a letter to Nao telling him what happened and that Chihiro was worse and that he needed to come home for her sake.

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