Chapter Twenty Four

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The two were back at Aida's flat. Zoë was in a hurry though, she had gotten a phone and was suddenly eager to leave. She had gotten all mysterious on Aïda: refusing to divulge who called and why or even where she was going to.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal. I'll see you tomorrow at Tuis Kombuis."
"Okay. Take care, Zoë."
"I've been living alone in Gauteng: I'll be fine. Love you."
"Love you. Now go, your Über is waiting."

The two hugged and Zoë was off.

Aïda decided to order some pizza, online. She was not in the mood to cook. Even a chef needs a break.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang. Aïda checked the pizza and signed and the guy left. She turned around and placed the box on the counter. She was about to turn around, in order to close the door, when Aïda felt her back hit against someone's torso.

Aïda screamed.


Zoë arrived at Aden's mansion. The place looked even better then she remembered so, why does he want a total overhaul? Why would she complain though? The money was going to be great and the added exposure she would get. If these big jobs kept coming then soon she'd be able to buy her own mansion. She could not wait for that day.

Why did Aden want her to keep it a secret, though? Even from Aïda? She looked at the house again before ringing the bell at the gate.


Aïda couldn't believe her eyes, "What are you doing here? Get out before I call the police!"
"Really, you'd call the boere? For me?"
"Why not? This," She points at the intruder," is trespassing."

He lifts his hands up in surrender, "Fine but, I had to see you."
"You did not have to do anything. Besides, normal people call and make an appointment."
"I did remember but, you ignored all 50 of my calls and my multiple voice notes and sms's. What else was I suppose to do? I had to see you before leaving."

Aïda looked at him questioningly but, quickly averted her gaze, trying to hide the disappointment, she was feeling at his revelation.

"Anyone else would've gotten the point by now."
"What point is that, my dark Angel?"
"Don't call me that, Aden."
"Why not? You used to like it. You said it made you feel both beautiful and rebellious."
"Well, I also used to be a fool."
"How so?"

Aïda furrowed her brows in annoyance at Aden. She really did not feel like talking to the idiot. What pleasure does he get from torturing her anyway?

Yes, torture. A weird kind of torture. It was both pleasurable and painful. As much as she wanted to hate him, she also craved his presence. She hated herself for being so weak. For being so foolish. So what if he was single? She was still not his choice. He only toyed with her being.

What was his goal?

"Dark Angel, where are you lost?"

Aïda looked up from her shoes and into his stormy grey eyes. What was that look in his eyes? In high school she thought it was desire (for her) but after that fateful afternoon she doubted, not only Aden, but her sense of perception. Gosh! Why are his pupils suddenly so big? It feels like she's drowning in them.

"I...I told you not to call me that."

Aden looked like he'd been stung for a moment, "Why did you say that you used to be a fool?"

Aïda walked away from him towards the big window,  her back towards him. Her arms folded across her chest. She did not want to look at those eyes. He did the same thing and stood right next to her. His front turned to her left profile.

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