Chapter 29: Misinterpreted

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Draco's smile was brighter, more full of life and... different. Harry hadn't seen his boyfriend like this in weeks, but Draco seemed to be himself again. When he would look into his eyes, it was as if Draco was seeing so much more than Potter's green orbs. As if he was seeing something different.

Harry was positive that Draco had a surprise for him. They'd been together for a few months, and it was the eve of their two month anniversary. Harry didn't expect anything big or bougie but Draco had been preoccupied with something for the last few weeks, and would always hide it from him when he saw him working on it. So naturally, Harry assumed it was a poem his boyfriend was writing, whenever he saw him sneakily jotting down paragraphs in his journal.

It's when Harry skipped into Slytherin dormitory, to discover, when he stopped. He ducked behind the wall, and crouched down.

"No, Draco. It might've been a mistake to even do this in the first place. You were happy with Harry, and now I've fucked it up, haven't I?" A distant, yet familiar voice muttered, coming from the blonde's room.

"Don't say that to me! You don't understand how amazing that experience was for me. I loved every second of it and I wish it never ended. When I came back to Hogwarts I avoided Harry. I'd rather go back to that night than ever see him again."

The smile faded from Harry's face. His pink flush faded from his face. His face lost all expression, although his eyebrows lifted, as the words he had just heard set in.

"Draco, you love him."

"I could never love him after being where I've been with you."

Harry couldn't move. The words were processing, echoing in his head on repeat, over and over again.

"I could never love him."

"I avoided Harry. I'd rather go back to that night than ever see him again."

"Don't say that. You did love him before that night. I know you did." Dayton grumbled.

Harry could hear him pacing back in forth. He had memorized the sound of Draco's paces across the stone flooring of the castle. "Bloody hell, things can change. He'd never be as beautiful as-"

The dumbfounded Gryffindor couldn't take it anymore. He got up and sprinted for the shattered mirror. On his way out, the glass cut a spot on his bicep, deep and jagged. He didn't even to asses the damage. He just ran.


The sound of falling glass made Dayton snap his head towards the exit, "What the hell was that?"

"Does it even matter? Please, tell me how to get back."

"You need to get back to your sense of power. You know what to do. Go to where it started, you wanker. But you're making a mistake. You're breaking more hearts than his."


Harry ran. He didn't know where he was going. He couldn't even think straight. All of these thoughts were replaying in his mind. His boyfriend who he loved... had cheated on him, and didn't even care about him. 'Fucking hell did he ever care about me?'

He ran through the corridors and found himself at the Great Hall. He jogged over to the Slytherin table, and grabbed Blaise's arm. "Did you know?"

"Know what?" He tilted his head to the side, and squinted as he jerked away from Harry's grip.

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