Twenty - eight | Chrome Hearted

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"I don't think you are supposed to sleep with makeup on," I tell Indra as I hold onto her waist so I can help her to my apartment

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"I don't think you are supposed to sleep with makeup on," I tell Indra as I hold onto her waist so I can help her to my apartment. "Yeah I can and I will because I don't care what you say." I can't seem to get my keys to open the fucking door.

"Can you please just stand here?" I slowly let go of her as she nods her head. Digging into my pockets, I finally get my keys out and unlock the door. Pushing open the door, I watch Indra lean against the wall with her eyes slowly shutting.

Clearing my throat to get her attention, she opens her eyes to look at me wide-eyed. She pushes herself off the wall and almost stumbles into the door before I grab onto her. "Woah, Woah. Slowly okay?" She nods her head at me again.

Once we're inside, I push the door closed with my foot and Dog comes running up to us. "You have a dog! What's it's name?" She exclaims, forcing herself away from me as she drops to the floor to let him. "His name is Dog."

She laughs lightly, running her hands through his long black fur. "You named your dog... Dog?" I shrug, knowing that Dog isn't actually mine. He's Noah's and Noah decided to name him Dog.

I bend down beside Indra, picking her up bridal style. "Wait, I want to play with Dog." She whines as she reaches out for him. "He can come sleep in the room with you." She smiles as Dog follows behind us.

Indra is completely covered in paint and by having her so close to me right now is making the paint is rub onto my clothes. I look like a walking glow stick.

I finally get her to my room and gently place her onto my bed. "Why did you throw me?" She questions, rubbing her arm as if I hurt her. "I didn't." She scoffs as I move to the foot of the bed to remove her shoes before actually getting her into my bed.

Usually, I hate people sitting on my bed with the clothes they wore outside which also applies to myself. Even if I am blackout drunk, I would change into something else or just sleep with my underwear than lay in the clothes I wore outside. However, that rule only changes for her. "Indra," I crouch down beside my bed and snap my fingers in front of her face to grab her attention once again. "Huh?" She looks at me with hooded eyes.

"I'm going to go get those things to get the makeup off. Don't fall off my bed." I tell her with a stern voice and she doesn't respond.

As I stand up straight, I look at Dog who's watching us intently. "Make sure she doesn't fall off the bed and I'll give you a treat." He barks to let me know he understands me before I walk out of the apartment in hopes one of my neighbors will have makeup remover and be kind enough to let me borrow some or I'll have to go to the store to buy some.

The first apartment I go to is the one right across mine because I remember that a women lives here. Lifting my fist, I lightly knock on the wood. The lady who lives here quickly opens the door and her eyebrows pull together when she sees me. She slowly looks me up and down before asking. "Can I help you?" The door gets pulled open and a guy who looks to be around my age stands beside her. He has neatly styled blond hair, blue eyes and is shorter than me. "I'm sorry to bother you so late, but do you have those makeup remover things?" I ask her as I ignore the guy who is eyeing me up and down.

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