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On the next day, the conference room of the peace agreement was reopened.

As such, the reason why the meeting of the three races was prolonged was not that there was a lot of content to be adjusted, but because the meetings themselves did not proceed.

At least, everyone was aware of the need for this peace agreement meeting to some extent, so the meeting on the second day could proceed more smoothly than on the first day.

When the two races tried to brawl at each other once again, the meeting ran to an end, thanks to Mirania’s efforts to mediate by using proper magic.

After some discussions, Mirania summarized what each race wanted in a calm manner.

“Then I will declare the contents of the 4th Continental Witch Forest Peace Treaty.”

“Do it like that!”

“First, don’t mock in groups of more than ten. Second, do not howl more than five times. Third, there will be a ban on gang fighting between more than 10 different races. Do you have any suggestions?”

Balkan was quiet and Scarlett shook her head. Mirania, who confirmed the reaction of the two heads of each race, nodded lightly.

“This treaty won’t cause a fight for the time being.”

“As the Great Witch, I will certify this treaty.”

When Mirania summoned and wielded her silver wand, letters naturally formed in the air.

This was what Mirania just said about the treaty. The contents of the peace agreement continued for a long time under the black text of 〈The 4th Witch Forest Peace Treaty.〉

Mirania wielded the wand after having enough time for the races to read through the agreement.

The letters glowed white and exploded like a little bomb, and particles of scattered light soared upward.

The particles of light that rose outside the conference hall quickly scattered in all directions.

“Every single continent will know what the agreement is about.”

Mirania, who declared the revised treaty to the two races and even promoted it on the continent, showed signs of fatigue clearly.

For her, who’s quite lazy unlike what she seems, the one-night and two-day schedule was quite excessive.

She didn’t show any disarray, but she couldn’t hide her desire to go back quickly, so she was the first one to leave the conference.

“Then get up first, praying for the peace of each race.”

Raising gracefully, Chera and Grecan were also ready to follow Mirania.

Then Scarlett looked around Mirania and asked in a confused voice.

“Mirania, where is the wolf? The wolf I saw the other day when I visited the Witches.”

Mirania paused as she was about to turn.

“It’s the day we met Balkan, so I thought you’d bring the wolf today.”

Balkan, who sensed with a beastly hunch that it was related to his clan, frowned and stared alternately at Mirania and Scarlett.

“What does that mean? A wolf?

“Mirania, don’t go overboard and take this opportunity to make sure you’ve done the wolf clan a favor.”

A drop of sweat formed on Mirania’s forehead.

Scarlett may have intended to take this opportunity for the witch family to pay Balkan’s debt, while at the same time screwing Balkan, but only Mirania was in trouble.

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