Chapter twenty-two.

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We apparented to a small dank alleyway at the back of a bread shop, we lower ourselves down a set of hidden steps, the girls take out their wands and simultaneously change their outfits into gorgeous flapper style dresses, Tina looks embarrassed at the change of clothes, while Queenie smiles cheekily at us. Newt fashions himself a bowtie with his wand, Jacob looks on, jealous, I point my wand and him and change his ill-fitting suit for one of a nicer cut and material, making me him look at me in shock and thanks. Queenie turned me to next, "You've got to change too, honey."

'Please not a dress.' I thought, cringing at the thought.

"I'm afraid so, sweetie." She replied.

I sighed deeply and pointed my wand at myself, changing my street clothes into a sparkly champagne flapper dress, I even fashioned myself a set of heels, 'I hope your happy now, especially with these death traps on my feet.'

"Thanks, honey." She smiled cheekily.

We were let into the joint and we instantly split up, Queenie and Jacob headed for the bar, while me, Tina and Newt found a table and sat down, we had been there for about ten or fifteen minutes when my curiosity got the best of me, "So, I hope you don't me asking, but how did you lose your job, Tina?"

"The Second Salemers boy, Credence, his mother beats him, she beats all the kids she adopted, but she hates him the most it seems. I went for her, she accused me of being a witch, I then went for her in front of a group of her crazy followers, they all had to be obliviated, it was a big scandal." She explained, looking around the place.

I nodded before looking around as well, a lot of people were staring at us, it made me uncomfortable and I slid closer to Newt, mumbling, "A lot of people are staring."

"I've arrested half the people in here." Tina admitted, with an uneasy chuckle.

"I'm not surprised, they don't seem the most honest bunch." I replied, glancing around the room nervously.

Newt was studying the people around the room, watching for any signs of danger around the room, or for anyone who was watching us too long or too intently. Then everyone within the place fell into a hushed whisper, a goblin walked through, his clothes smart and a cigar hanging from his lips, he walked with a sense of purpose and people in the speakeasy clearly had respect for him. He eyed as he walked over to the table, making me shrink back into Newts side even more, avoiding his stare, he sat at the table, not looking directly at us as a house-elf brought him a drink and set it on the table.

"So, you're the couple with the case of monsters, huh?" He asked.

"News travels fast—" Newt commented, a hard look on his face.

I blushed slightly when I realised Newt hadn't corrected Gnarlak when he referred to us as a couple, I cleared my throat and started to speak, "We were hoping you'd be able to tell us if there has been any sightings. Tracks. That sort of thing."

Gnarlak stayed silent, he finished his drink and signed a document that had been placed in front of him, "You've got a big price on your heads, Mr. Scamander, Miss. Johnson. Why should I help you instead of turnin' you in?"

I watched as the house-elf scurried off with the signed document, Newt sighed beside me before talking, "I take it I'll have to make it worth your while?"

"Hmm—lets consider it a cover charge." Gnarlak replied, a sly smirk on his face.

Newt pulled out a few Galleons from his coat pocket and slid them across the table to him, not looking up from the table at him, I slid my hand under the table and grabbed Newt's hand, squeezing tightly, which he reciprocated.

"Huh—MACUSA's offerin' more 'n that." Gnarlak commented, his tone not impressed.

I reached into Newts pocket and pulled out a beautiful metal contraption, placing it on the table between us, Gnarlak grunted, "Lunascope? I got five."

Newt started to rummage through his coat pocket, his moves desperate as he tried to find something to trade for information, he finally pulled out a flowing, frozen ruby egg, "Frozen Ashwinder egg!"

He placed it on the table gently, Gnarlak's face showed interest at last, "You see—now we're—"

He paused, staring at Newt, I looked around and saw he was looking at Pickett, who had popped his head out of Newt's pocket, "—Wait a minute—that's a Bowtruckle, right?"

"No." Newt stated, placing his hand over his pocket protectively.

"You are not getting your bony fingers on him." I stated, my tone steely.

"Ah, come on, that a Bowtruckle—they pick locks—am I right?" He asked, leaning across the table.

"He's not up for negotiation." I replied.

"You are not having him." Newt stated.

"Well, good luck gettin' back alive, Mr. Scamander, Miss. Johnson, what with the whole of MACUSA on your back." Gnarlak stated, getting up and starting to walk away.

Newt looked at me with a heart-breaking glance of agony, I shook my head, knowing what he was about to do, "All right."

Gnarlak turned back to us, smiling viciously at Newt and myself, I started to plead with Newt, "Please don't, we will find something else, don't do this, Newt."

Newt looked down at me, heartbreak on his face, as he took Pickett from his pocket, I couldn't watch this, I buried my face in Newt's shoulder, I could hear Pickett clicking and whining loudly, Newt was talking to him in a comforting tone, trying to get him to let go. After a few seconds of silence, I looked up and saw Pickett reaching out to me and Newt with his little hands, it broke my heart, I clung to Newt's arm, willing myself not to start crying. Gnarlak started to speak again, making me clench my jaw in anger, "Somethin' invisible's been wreakin' havoc around Fifth Avenue. You may wanna check out Macy's department store. Might help with what you are looking for."

"Dougal." I whispered.

"Right, one last thing. There's a Mr. Graves who works at MACUSA—I was wondering what you knew of his background." Newt stated, his eyes still trained on the table.

"You ask too many questions, Mr. Scamander. They could get you killed."

There was a sudden shout from near the bar, "MACUSA ARE COMING!"

People all around us started to disapparate, Tina stood from the table, slamming her hand downs, furious, "You tipped them off!"

I watched in horror as the wanted posters all around the room started to change and show myself, Tina and Newt, our mugshots from when we were arrested just hours earlier being brandished across the walls of the speakeasy. Gnarlak started to chuck menacingly, still clutching Pickett in his hands, Jacob came up behind him, "Sorry, Mr. Gnarlak—"

Jacob punched his square in the face, knocking him backwards, and sending Pickett flying from his hands, Jacob shook his hand out, "—reminds me of my foreman!"

Newt dropped down on to the floor and starts looking for Pickett, he finds him and grabs him, he rushes back to us and hands me Pickett, who clung to the underside of my hair, sitting on my shoulder. Newt placed his hand around my waist and grabbed Jacob's elbow, as he took a shot of Giggle water, he giggled as we disapparated from the building.

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