Chapter 2

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~~Kie's Point of View~~

I was walking with the boys JJ, John B, and Pope to the beach to go surfing. When I told them that "I have to use the restroom"

They all nodded and went running into the water. As I was walking to the restroom. I tripped on my shoe. Then I felt someone's hands grab my waist as they caught me. I could not see their face due to the sun right in my eyes. They helped me stand on my feet. I looked at her. Her hands were still on my waist.

"Hey watch where you but your hands" I snarled

"Oh I am so sorry" she quickly moved her hands

"Kie" I stated

She stopped before giving me her name

"Charli without an e" she smiled

"Well thank you Charli without an e for saving me so are you new to the Outer Banks?"

"Well sort of I lived here two years ago"

"Oh I wonder how I never ran into you before" she went quiet "Well there is a party at the Shem Creek if you want to meet some more people and catch up with them" I gave her a small smile.

She smiled back "Ok I guess I have to go because a pretty girl invited me."

I started to feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"Hey look at that I can make you blush... sorry to burst your bubble Kie but last time I was here I had a girlfriend."

"Who?" I questioned, as I grabbed her arm.

"Wouldn't you like to know," she said with a smirk

"Could I get your phone number? So I can let you know when to come for party"

I handed her my phone and smiled.

"Ok I will see you tonight Kie," she began to step closer to me and handed me my phone.

I felt her hand brush up against my cheek. "Kie are you okay."

"Oh u-um yeah sorry... t-thanks Charli," she walked down the beach all I could see was her black hoodie.

Wow she was something else she was like no other I have a million thoughts going through my head I couldn't stop thinking about her. I made my way back to the boys who looked at me and smiled.

"Man Kie, who was that she is a babe." Pope snickers

"Hey back off she is mine" John B told him as he pushed him

"Guys to burst your bubble but she is mine" I smiled and there mouths dropped

"Fine... but you have to introduce us" John B stated

"John B come on and give me that John D" JJ mocking John B

"JJ shut the fuck up"

"Oh my god what am I going to do with you boys."

"You love us Kie," JJ said

"Well that is debatable."

"Hey Kie isn't that you little girlfriend leaning on John B's van."

Oh shit that is her I wonder what she wants.

"Hey Kie I just wanted to give you this back" as she hands me back my favorite turtle bracelet.

"Oh thank you this is-" I was cut off by her saying "It is your favorite"

"Hey do you what to go back to The Chateau" I said with a smirk.

"Can't I am sorry I have to figure things out"

"Oh ok I will see you later I guess" putting a fake smile on.

"Man you are not good at fake smiling. You never were."

I felt my cheeks heat up again. I saw her look at me and all she did was smile.

I was going to say something but one of the boys yelled "KIE I swear to god stop flirting with her and come on!" of course it was JJ.

"I-I should get going before you get into more trouble." Charli said as she walked away.

I thought about what she just said about my bracelet. She also could read me like a book. The only person that could do that was... Y/n. I walked back into the van having thoughts running through my head. I knew it was not her because Y/n had short y/h/c hair and was shorter than me as well. Y/n had a scar on the left side of stomach from her and JJ's dad.

Once I got in the van I had to ask them that one question. That was now running through my head a million times "Guys, does that girl remind you of Y/n?"

JJ looked at me and yelled "Kie no Y/n is dead we can't think that every new girl is Y/n!" He looked at me and I felt tears in my eyes "SHE IS DEAD KIE, DEAD!"

"I know I just miss her ok" I whispered

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें