Chapter 7

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~~Sarah’s Point Of View~~ 

“Come on you will love it” I heard his voice whispering in my ear, feeling his breath on my neck. 

“Get the fuck off me” I tried to move my hands but his were forcing me down on the bed. I felt hot tears running down my face. I screamed for anyone to hear… no one came to save me… I jolted forward,  hugging my legs. realizing it was just a dream, I looked over at the clock and it read 3:36am. “Fuck” I wispered. 

After I calmed down I was going to go downstairs to grab some water when I heard someone talking to Wheezie. I went closer to the living room and saw Wheezie on someone's lap. I looked closer and saw Charli. What is she still doing here? 

“Hey…” I saw that Charli was crying 

“Oh…Hey Sarah” Charli said, as she was whipping her face as more tears came down her face. I walked up to grab her hand, messing with her ring on her finger. 

“Wheezie… what happened”  she didn’t answer me she kept on looking down. 

“N-Nothing happened, just a deep talk…” Charli respond quickly 

I rolled her eyes “Okay fine don’t tell me I will find out myself. But first we need to take care of you” I put her hand on y/n’s face wiping the dried blood below her lip. 

“No I am fine Sarah I will just go home.” 

“Fine then I am coming to take care of you and you can’t stop me” I said making my point across that she is not leaving me. 

“Why are you up Sarah?” all of the memories of my dream came flooding back I was fighting back tears 

“Hey… I am not going anywhere… Okay I am here all night,” Charli said, pulling me into a hug. She felt like home. She also smelled nice. “Let’s go get me cleaned up.” 

“Nice to meet you Wheezie and thank you I needed that” 

Once we got to the bathroom she sat me down on the toilet and pulled out the med-kit from the cabinet. 

“Do you want me to clean my wounds or you?” 

“Me please” she sat in between my legs so I didn’t have to get up. I smiled as she sat down.

“What is so funny Miss Cameron” 

“Your little blood on you lip is making you have a goatee” 

“Really” she got up and looked at herself “Oh my god it does” she laughed something about her that reminded me of…y/n. She knelt back down and sat between my legs again “clean me up Miss Cameron” 

“$150” I said 

“Is there anything else I could do” 

“Hmm…we could play 3 questions…will that work?”

“That will work” 

“Ok first question, have you ever been in love?” I asked 

“Yes I have been Miss Cameron… she was perfect I just had to fuck everything up” I looked at her “what is one thing you regret?” Charli asked 

“Oh that is a good one, probably not telling someone I love them…I really did but I was too late. Ok my turn, are you a virgin?” 

“Okay Sarah coming in with those questions, no I am not virgin, Okay my turn why did you ever date Topper?”

“I was trying to forget someone but he just made me realize how much I miss her. What did you tell my sister?” 

She looked at me with worried look “Oh I am so sorry you don’t need tell me” 

“Hey it is okay there is just something I am going through…you will find out I will tell you” I kept staring in her eyes I remember them they were mine. “Sarah are you there” 

“Y-Yeah I am” 

“Are we done yet? I want to go to bed.” Charli wined 

“Oh yeah I just need to wrap your knuckles and fix your lip a bit more because we were talking so I couldn’t really clean it.” 

“Ok let’s save my lip for last so we can keep talking” I smiled 

“Ok go over the tub so I can pour rubbing alcohol over them” she got up “Hey it is going to be ok” 

“I know I have a high pain tolerance” 

I started to pour some on “uhh fuck” she said loudly I smiled at her in the moment I saw how “Hot” she was.

“Well thank you Miss Cameron” shit I said out loud I looked down she put her finger under chin to make me look at her hey it is okay. “Okay this my last question, what was your dream about Sarah?” I looked at her and I saw that she wasn’t going to judge me, she wanted me to be happy. 

“...Topper and what he did.” She pulled me to sit on her lap while she was holding me. I put my head in the crock of my neck as she rubbed my back. 

 “Hey I am never going to let him near you and if he looks at you he will be dead” I smiled. I knew she felt it on her neck.

“Hey lets clean my hand and my lip then we can go to bed for a long time then we can go to the beach tomorrow” Charli said 

“Bet” I started to slowly get off of her. We quickly did her other hand. I wrapped bandages around both hands now for her lip. They looked so soft. I brushed my finger across her lips. She kept looking at me and then down at my lips, she pulled me back into her lap so I could see her better. She put her hand on my jawline and she pulled me into a kiss. Our lips fit together like missing puzzle pieces, our lips moved insync with each other. I pulled back because I couldn’t breathe. I rested my head on her forehead. 

“I am so sorry Sarah I shouldn’t take advantage of you in this sta-” 

“Shut the fuck up” I pulled her into a kiss she put her hands on my wasit as I put my hands on her jaw deeping the kiss. Charli pulled away “Let’s go to bed before you regret this tomorrow” I only agreed because I was tired. It was like 5:38 am Charli was still wide awake but I was dead tired “Pick me up and carry me to my room… I am tired” she nodded. I thought she would give me a piggyback ride to my room but she picked me up bridal style.

 “Oh…” I giggled 

“What?” she questioned while heading up the stairs 

“Nothing…everything is perfect” she smiled and kissed my forehead. I put my head on her chest as I felt my eyes grow heavier each second. 

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