Chapter 15

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~~Kie's Point of View~~

I was hanging out with the boys at John Bs. It has been a couple days since we have heard from Charli or Sarah. We are hoping they made up.

"Guys do you think we should text Charli or Sarah to make sure they are all good?" JJ asked

"I think we should" John B added on

"I will text Charli" I said

'Hey Charli is everything okay'

'Yeah hey me and sarah are wondering of we could

Hang out with you guys today at John B's since we have

Haven't seen you guys in a while.'

'Yes that sounds amazing we are all hanging out

Now come over anytime.'

'Ok see you in 10'


"Hey everything between Sarah and Charli are good they are coming in 10" I was so happy

"Hey kie why are you so excited?" John B asked

"She gets to see her girl" JJ mocked

"Wait, you like Charli?" John B asked

"Well no shit did you not see the hickies that Charli left on her neck" JJ said

"Can you both shut up...I don't like her like that"

"Okay whatever you tell yourself" Pope said entering the conversation "Just admit it you like her Kie"

I went silent. I was done with them. Kie you don't like her like that i kept repeating that in my head.

Sometime passed, that is when we heard the door open I saw Charli and Sarah all over each other. Charli's y/n/ec catching my brown eyes giving me her small smirk.

I looked at Sarah seeing her holding tightly on Charli as she looked up at her y/n/ec hickies shown on both their necks.

"YOU GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I got up from the couch and slammed the door walking towards the dock tears flowing down my face, not sad tears, angry tears. Why me? I heard someone walk down the dock now sliding down to sit next to me I look up and see Charli just the fucking person I want to see.

"Kie is everything alright?" she asked and I scoffed

"Does it look like everything is alright" she looked at me I saw in her eyes that she was actually worried "Charli look I just need some time to think about something" she put her hand on my thigh I relaxed at her touch this girl could do things to me that I never thought anyone could do guy or girl.

"Hey I am always here for you. I don't know if I did anything wrong but just for you to know I love you Kie" she smiled all I could think is that she will never mean I love you the way I want her to say it to me. She means it as a friendship way and I love her more than ever for fuck sake I am in love with her. She was amazing, the only one I see my life with...

"I love you to Charli" I put on a fake smile and I know she saw right through it. She reached out her hand for me to grab

"Kie lets go inside with them" I took her hand and smiled as we walked in the house together hand in hand.

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story Where stories live. Discover now