Chapter 26

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~~y/n point of view~~~

Silence, I don't get that much in my own head
space, it's always loud. The blonde Cameron can always shut down the bad thoughts. I never felt at peace when I was away for two years.

A loud ringing noise next to my ear. Making me move out of the blonde girl's grip. Seeing my phone buzzing on the charger next to Sarah's.

"Hello?" The clock reading 5am, another early morning.

"Heyyyy Charli." Kie's voice echoing through the phone.

"Hey turtle girl." Her lil giggle. Caused me to shoot up from the bed "Kie are you drunk?!" Sarah sifted in the bed.

"How did you know? Charli." I rolled my eyes at the girl slurring her words. Throwing on my shirt from yesterday sliding anything on to get to her as fast as I can.

"Send me your location now!" I know she wasn't somewhere safe. She might look like a kook but she in my pouge.

My phone dings a minute later with her location. Toppers house. You got to be fucking kidding me.

"Don't even think about hanging up on me kie." She let out a giggle.

"What are you going to do if I do Charli?" I clenched my jaw trying to get my keys forgetting I don't have a car anymore.

I left Sarah still sleeping. "Oh no my finger is slipping" with that the phone ended.

"God dam-it kiara." Running down the stairs seeing my phone screen light up. Showing a picture of kie kissing some random guy.

"Fuck!" I left the Cameron's house not turning around I made it to her location in a minute. "KIARA!" Someone pulled me back.

"Charli is it, the one that took Sarah away from me." I turned around to see the man.

"Hey Topper," he gave me a drunken smile. "Have you seen Kiara?" I didn't want to fucking even talk to him. He hurt the girl I love.

"Um yeah I have she is by the pool." I gave him a smile.

"Thanks Top, oh and-" with that I punched him in the face. "Don't ever talk about Sarah." I left the area to head to his pool.

"Charli!" I heard kie shout. As she got of a guys lap to hug me.

"Hey baby." I kissed her forehead. I looked at the guy. "Has he tried anything with you? Because I don't think your single." Looking into her deep brown eyes.

The guy got up. "Hey, I don't mean any harm I am sorry I didn't know she had a girlfriend." He dapped me up.

"Hey no problem just don't try anything next time." He nodded and walked away. I took my attention to her.

"What the fuck are you doing here kie?" She bit her lip.

"Trying to forget about you."

"Okay let me have your keys." She rolled  her eyes and placed them in my hand. "Good now let's go." I began walking she wasn't following me. "Kie don't make me carry you out of here."

"Come on Charli I was having fun." I walked up to her and threw her over my shoulder. "Charli put me down!" I kept walking until I reached her car and placed her in the passenger.

"Come on buckle up." She folded her arms like a child. "Fine." I leaned over and grabbed it and buckled her. "You can keep acting like a child, I can handle you." She blushed a bit.

I began driving to the young Carrera house to drop her off. To her probably worried mother. "Hey Charli," locking our eyes. "Can we go to the beach to watch the sunrise, I don't want to go home yet." I smiled at the tan girl.

"Yeah." I changed my route and began driving to the beach. As we pulled to the beach I realized it was the last spot y/n and her hung out. I got out and ran to her side to open the door.

"Y/n?" She whispered. I looked down. "She was literally the best thing that ever happened to me." I looked at her as we walked down to the water.

"What if she is still alive." She looked at me.

"I hope one day I will bump into her just to see her smile." I placed a towel down that I grabbed from her car.

"Would you be mad at her if she ever came back?" The pouges talked a lot about y/n (me) when they weren't around Jj, kie kept quiet when they talked.

"I don't know I don't think I will, if she came back there had to be a reason for leaving right?" This was the first time kie has talked about y/n. "She wouldn't put us through this pain for no reason."

I kept my head looking towards the water. "You look like y/n you know?" I looked at her "how so?" She pulled up the last photo me and her took together.

"Here," she pointed at how I smile "you have the same smile. Oh and the dark hair it's weird how Jj and her are related but y/n had darker hair then him." I smiled at her.

"And the same laugh yours is a bit deeper but this photo was taken when she was 17 she would be 20 now." I wanted to tell her she said she wouldn't be mad.

"Kie she sounds amazing." I looked into her eyes.

"You have the same eyes too and y/n eyes color was one of a kind they-" I cut her off.

"Told a story like no other story." She nodded.

It went quiet after that. "Hey Charli you know at the party when I said 'I was trying to forget you'?" I nodded "it's because you remind me of y/n... I miss her. I miss how we use to surf every day." I got an idea.

"Do you got two surf boards right now?" She looked at me.

"Yeah," I smiled at her

"Then let's go surfing." I grabbed her hand while we ran to the car.

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon