Chapter 19

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~~Sarah's Point of View~~

When y/n left I collapsed I felt arms wrap around me it was John B "Hey everything is going to be okay"

"No it is not. I lost y-charli because I was jealous." More tears streamed down my face. The Pogues were in jj's room trying to calm me down as Kie just looked at me disgustingly.

As the silence was broken by my phone ringing. I answered quickly. "Charli are you okay?"

"Sarah please tell me y/n is with you?" It was my youngest sister. I picked myself up and walked to the living room pacing around.

"No she left why?" I heard her voice break up. "Wheezie tell me please?" I started to cry.

"Sarah she called me saying she needed me and then the line cut out I don't know if she is okay." I let out a breathy cry, I caused this.

I took jj's keys and ran to his car jumping in leaving everyone. I drove until I saw her car seeing wheezie already there. The paramedics taking her in the ambulance. I fell to the ground as I felt John B's arms around me holding me up as Jj is holding Kiara.

Feeling someone pick me up putting me in a car the car ride was silent I didn't know her condition.

"She is going to fight through this." Jj stated trying to help but nothing. Wheezie just looking at me.

"Why did she do this?" She finally spoke not breaking eye contact with me.

"I hurt her... again." I looked down at my hands they were visibly shaking.

We arrived at the hospital it was such a difficult walk to see her in her room of 201 she was so bad the monitors, the breathing tube down her throat the only thing keeping her here.

"What did I do?" Tears threatened my eyes as I felt wheezie just hold me.

"Um sorry to bother..." it was the doctor. "The only one written for Charli is Sarah can I just speak to her?"

I wiped my eyes "um yeah that is me." She placed her hand on my back and walked me out of the room shutting the door.

"She needs surgery or she won't make it and since she can't consent to it we look at you..."

"What is the likelihood she will survive surgery?" Her eyes threatened tears.

"30% but not having it she might die tomorrow." I took the paper and signed it. I need her here tomorrow.

They already took her back into surgery and I was just sat there with empty thoughts and how I can stop this from happening.

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story Where stories live. Discover now