chapter 20

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~~y/n's Point of View~~

Pain, a simple term but had to explain this type of pain.

My head throbbing as any slight movement will bring me discomfort. Slightly opening my eyes burn at the bright lights above me. I finally look around lifting my head to see I am in a hospital.

Hooked up to around 4 machines one beeping as I see everyone I know jump up and look at me. My throat is on fire, that I learned later because of my breathing machine.

"Hey..." I mumbled quietly.

"Doctor she awake" I heard JJ scream as he ran out of the room. With the biggest smile on his face.

"I love you so much" Kie letting her tears fall I sat up opening my arms for her she placed her head on my shoulder. "Don't ever do that again."

"I don't think I meant to kie." I smiled at her.

I looked around the room seeing the doctor rush in with Jj.

"I told you I didn't lie... bitch." I chuckled at my little brother. As the doctor looked between the both of us.

"Hey charli how are you doing?" A smile crept up on my face.

"No bad doc." I tried to stand up, that's when I felt a gentle hand that belonged to the blonde hair girl Sarah Cameron.

"I got this Sarah." I felt her take my arm helping me up as I walked around just fine.

"Dam Charli I guess you don't want to stay here anymore?" I chuckled.

"Not really doc I want to leave." That is when the door opens.

"Guys they got good food in the vending machine." I smiled at the younger Cameron.

"Yo Wheezie can I get some..." that is when I felt her little arms wrap around me. "I missed you too."

"How long was I here for doc?" Wheezie still not letting me go.

"1 week and you are doing amazing. So going home today I just have to get paperwork." With that he left the room.

I looked at my girlfriend, as John b wouldn't let her go. "Dam I was gone one week and you take her." I let out a laugh.

The room stayed quiet. "Charli I can't do this anymore..." my faced dropped.

"What...what are you talking about Sarah...please don't go" I looked around the room thinking this is some joke.

"I am sorry Charli ...I love you" I laughed looking at her and John B

"I fucking knew it" she had tears streaming down her face. I am the one hurting she gets to cry no.

"Fuck you Sarah...get the fuck out I don't want to see your face ever again"

"Y-you don't mean that Charli"

"I fucking do I don't want you in my life" love shouldn't just stop like that but what do I know.

They left hand in hand not turning around and I was glade because I think I would break down if I saw her.

"Someone tell me what happened when I was gone for a week?" I felt Kie wrapped her hands around me.

"I am so sorry Charli," Kie said, looking at me.

"Just tell me please" just looking at my hands not looking at kie or anyone else in the room.

"Okay on the first night you were out we all stayed here I was on your side and Sarah was with John B they were all touchy that is when I asked Sarah 'if she wanted to be by you' she said 'no' so I stayed by your side..." Kie started crying in my arms.

JJ began speaking "Well um the next day I woke up early and I saw them making out together I got up and screamed 'WHAT THE FUCK...Sarah I thought you loved her' she just looked at me blankly and started to cry I said 'no you don't get to cry your girlfriend is on her deathbed and here you are making out with her friend, you fucking disgust me' then they left hand in hand and went to the bathroom and they came back and Sarah had hickies all down her neck" I don't even know what I was feeling anymore she knows everything and she just leaves.

"I need the papers that I need to sign to get out of here" the doctor handed them to me I quickly signed them and I tried to leave but that is when I felt Kie pull me into a hug I collapsed into her arms tears were escaping my eyes.

"I-I loved her w-what did I do" I sobbed harder. We were in the middle of the hospital, me and Kie now on the floor she was just holding me. I looked up into her brown eyes.

"Why did she leave me" I don't like people seeing me like this not at all but I was broken.

"Charli she doesn't deserve you no one does" I put my hand on Kie's cheek I slowly leaned in I felt her lips brush up against mine that is when I pulled her in her lips felt soft. I pulled away and smiled. She looked so perfect how have I had never noticed her before.

I want me and Sarah so bad but kie was still here and she wants me. What is stopping me now.

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