chapter 21

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~~Sarah's Point of View~~

I fucked up I never wanted me and John B to happen. I always and still love y/n. I don't know what I was thinking. I hurt her so bad.

"Hey Sarah there is a bonfire tonight do you want to come with me" I quickly wiped the tears off my face that quickly fell from my eyes.

"Oh yeah of course John B who else would I go with" I wrapped myself around him.

I felt John B but his hand on my thigh his dirty hands crept up to my core. I pushed them away "Not know John B."

~~Time Skip~~

I was still with John b because who else am I supposed to go to wheezie won't talk me. I got snapped out of my thoughts as the door opened there she stood with JJ and Pope.

Her smile dropped as she saw me all tangled with John B. She quietly left through the door.

"Hey are you guys going to the bonfire tonight?" JJ asked

"Yeah we are, what time are you heading there?"

"In 15 min" That is when I heard Laughing outside the door I saw y/n carrying Kie over her shoulder.

"Hello everyone" Kie said Laughing touching y/n ass. Y/n slowly put her down I could see kie being really touchy.

"Are you two drunk?" I asked

"What does it matter to you Sarah?" y/n bickered, she leaned down to Kie and Kissed her they were now making out y/n slowly walked to Kies room.

"Well now we are not heading out in 15 min" JJ said smiling

We heard from Kie's room "Shut the fuck up JJ or I will kill you"

"Charli stop talking and fuck me" we heard Kie say then we heard the door shut then lock.

I quickly got up and left. I walked outside as tears fell down my face. How can she move on so fast? For fuck sake I didn't mean it I still love her so much, I took my phone out and saw the photos of me and y/n I quickly threw my phone at the ground. I fell on the ground my knees pulled up to my chest.

It felt like I couldn't breathe the world was closing on me that is when I saw someone sit next to me "Stars are pretty bright out tonight aren't they" I looked over and saw y/n you have to be fucking kidding me I tried to get up and she pulled me back down.

"Sarah did you mean anything you said to me in that hospital room or did you only say that to push me away?" I quickly pulled my arm away from her, bent down to grab my phone and walked inside the house.

She followed right behind me I heard y/n say to all of us "Are you guys ready for the bonfire...Kie is not going"

"What Charli did you fuck her that hard?" JJ asked. She walked up to him and lightly pushed him.

"Umm we did not have sex because she was not in the right head space." She turned and looked at me in the eyes I saw here y/n/ec lock with mine. That is when John B put his arms around my stomach.

"Okay let's go" he said then pulled me into a kiss. I saw y/n look away. I wanted her to kiss me, not John B.

I heard y/n clap thankfully making John b stop kissing me. "Okay JJ and Pope can ride with me and Sarah and John B can take their own car"

"But we can all fit into John B's car" JJ said

"No we can let the love birds take their own car, don't you think Sarah"

"I mean sure I guess" I said looking down

"See so JJ and Pope get in the car...see you guys there"

She gave me as small smile but I saw in her eyes she was hurting and I was the center of her hurting.

Outer Banks a Sarah Cameron story Where stories live. Discover now